To work with others to safeguard the most vulnerable children and young people who are being sexually exploited or at risk of being so by delivering an intelligence led approach to target CSE offenders and bring them to justice.
CSE is a form of sexual abuse in which a young person is MANIPULATED or FORCED INTO taking part in a SEXUAL ACT often in return for ATTENTION, AFFECTION, MONEY, DRUGS, ALCOHOL or ACCOMODATION Organised CSE - Involves young people being passed through networks where they are FORCED into SEXUAL ACTIVITY, often at SEX PARTIES
Victim Profile: Male or Female under the age of 18 who is taking part in sexual acts in return for attention, affection, money, drugs, alcohol or accommodation. Offender Profile: Person(s) aged over 18 who is manipulating or forcing a young person under the age of 18 in to sexual activity by giving the individual attention, affection, money, drugs, alcohol or accommodation.
R V HARROP Victim: 12 year old Female, Video Interview, seized computers Offender: 20 year old Male, Seized his computers, Interviewed Location: Farm, Warrington Social Media contact / Skype / Face Time RESULT: Charged with 18 offences Defendant entered a Guilty Plea * Four Years Custodial Sentence in a Young Offenders Institution * SOPO - Banned from working with Children for life * To sign on the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years
R v BROWN Victim: 13 year old female Offender: 22 year old male Location: Skate Park, Warrington Social Media / Facebook / Messages. RESULT: Charged with Grooming * 13mths Imprisonment suspended for 24mths * 5 Year SOPO – Ban from working with children * Sex Offenders Register
YOU are a source of intelligence in relation to potential Victims / Offenders and Hotspots YOU can help drive an intelligence led approach to safeguarding the vulnerable and targeting offenders Why relevant to Primary schools? Nationally children as young as 8 years old have been found to have been abused in this way
Decline in attendance Behaviour – Disruptive or disengaged Use of mobile phone / Secretive Tired / unwell / unkempt / marks / scars Turning up late Wearing the latest clothes New phones / Jewellery/ iPod Missing from Home
Where are parties being held? Who is hosting them? Where do the young people hang around? Parks / Shopping centre Who picks them up from school? Vehicles / Number plate Description CCTV
Examine View Inspect Listen
Group is a Mechanism for Warrington Safeguarding Children's Board to improve outcomes for children in cases of known or suspected trafficking, running away and Sexual Exploitation. Child at risk? – CSE Risk Assessment Offender /Location – Referral Referral – antecedence to the information Forward it to the correct mailbox as outlined in the protocol This does not replace existing safeguarding procedures for the investigation of child protection concerns or matters that warrant a prompt police response or indeed are deemed an emergency.
MCSETO Group sits once a month members include Cheshire Police, Catch 22, Youth service, Education Safeguarding, Health Three Primary Functions: Ensure those at risk are identified & acknowledged, have a lead professional supporting them, have an effective safeguarding plan in place. To ensure that all cases are considered by a single multi agency group who are then able to identify any links between individual cases To ensure that intelligence relating to patterns of abuse / risk can be identified and action taken. This includes sharing intelligence relating to Victims, Perpetrators, Locations
Each group meeting will identify ‘Risk Alerts’ in relation to potential victims / perpetrators / locations Having identified the risk, actions will be given to the relevant partner agencies and the group will then monitor the multi agency response to that risk in order to reduce, eliminate or manage it. Example: Information is referred to the MCSETO Group that an adult is picking up teenage girls from the school gates in his vehicle and is believed to be giving them drugs and alcohol. MCSETO Group hosts a multi-agency discussion focused on the perpetrator and invites individual representation from the Local Policing Team, Probation and Education who all know about the persons and location concerned. The discussion leads to clear plans for investigation and disruption of the suspected offender.
Child at risk?– CSE Risk Assessment Offender /Location – Referral Referral – Provenance to the information (EVIL) Forward it to the correct mailbox as outlined in the protocol
Steve PANTER – Safeguarding Liz STANTON – Police Schools Liaison Alison HOWARTH – CSE Coordinator National Working Group Parents Against Sexual Exploitation Know and see – Case studies