Latent Prints Invisible prints Produced due to oils from skin Circumstantial, Physical, associative individual evidence Need special lighting or chemical processing to view Can be lifted
Best surface for the formation of a latent prints: HHard and nonporous surface GGlass PPlastic FFormica SSmooth metal FFinished wood
Chemically Detecting Finger prints Cyanoacrylate (super glue), bind to amino acids and forms a white print, uses fuming chamber Ninhydrin (triketohydrindenehydrate), dip or spray, takes several hours to develop, forms a blue/purple print, heating speeds process Silvernitrate, reacts with NaCl in print to form a blackish print when exposed to light
Other Prints Patent Prints: prints formed from a substance on the hands like blood, paint,ink etc, These prints are visible. Plastic Prints: prints made in a soft substance like clay, soap, etc. These prints are 3D.
Points of Minutiae: Crossover Core Bifurcation Ridge ending Island Delta Pore enclosure
Name the type of points of minutiae:
Fingerprints…. Why are they useful in Forensics? All individuals have different prints Each individual has 10 different prints Prints remain the same through out lifetime Prints can be classified into 9 basic types Points of minutia can be identified AFIS has been established