Teri Belt EMIS Specialist, MVCTC
EMIS Element CN300 ◦ CTE College Credit Element Indicates if a career-technical course provides an opportunity for students to earn college credit. This element is only reported with a non-default (YES) value for Career Technical courses that meet the definition of this element and some type of formal agreement exists between the district and the college that indicates the course is eligible for college credit (e.g., dual/concurrent enrollment (now CC+), articulated credit, Career-Technical Credit Transfer (CT 2 )). The value in this element will be used in the calculation of one of the performance measures for CTE programs related to courses that earn both high school and college credit.
This is part of the Prepared for Success - Dual Enrollment Component for the CTE Report Card ◦ Overall grade will be issued on the CTE Report Card ◦ Must meet definition to be reported and reflected correctly on LRC Curriculum Element = VN, VC, V3, VT, VP, VB, PS CN300 Element = CTE Course reported as “Y” (yes) for CTE College Credit and GN150 = student must have “Y” partial/override in high school credit earned field *2013 CTE Report Card CTE Calculation
In June, 2014 the Ohio Board of Regents and the Department of Education issued a report with recommendations regarding CTE post-secondary credits Discusses in detail the differences and mechanisms for awarding and documenting CTE credits Applies to most CTE post-secondary situations
Find this document on the Ohio Higher Ed website, under Resources for Administrators ed.org/ccp/resources ed.org/ccp/resources
Career-Technical Assurance Guides are postsecondary and secondary advising tools. Identifies the courses within a pathway that can transfer to any public college statewide BY 2010, 27 CTAGS had become part of the statewide transfer guarantee Verification Form used by students to obtain the credits for transfer ◦ Completed by the secondary CTE instructor and secondary school ◦ Sent to post-secondary admissions office for review and acceptance by the secondary school Go to your Tech Prep Consortium website to download form
Unlike the CTAG credits that are accepted statewide ◦ Bilateral agreements limit the students ability to receive credits only to specific colleges that have entered into an agreement with the secondary CTE program ◦ Standard Forms vary by Tech Prep Consortium ◦ Not required to appear on HS Transcript ◦ Districts take on burden to document these credits
Where do I start? ◦ CTE-26 ◦ Tech Prep Transmittal Form Create document to collect Associate College Name College Course Attempted College Credit Type Semester Hours Earned High School Course Name HS Grade Earned HS Percentage Grade Earned Student SSID
Clear communication between district, instructors, students, parents as to how many credits and types of credits students can have the potential to earn while in your course Marketing for your programs Start to familiarize your districts with these terms for future utilization of the data
MVCTC is developing a document to use as an internal communication tool between different partners within our district
New for for JVSD’s to report CCP Traditionally reported for academic courses ◦ Rule of Thumb: If the course is CTE CTAG, CTE Bilateral Articulated, or CTE Proficient, then it is not College Credit Plus. EMIS records: ◦ FS Standing ◦ Courses/course sections ◦ CORE Summary records Look to your ITC for additional training/information
SCATI Initiative ◦ Postsecondary Credit Opportunities in Career- Technical Education ◦ ads/Link/Final%20- %20Report%20and%20Recommendations%20Regarding%20P ostsecondary%20Credit%20Opportunities%20in%20Career- Technical%20Education.pdf ads/Link/Final%20- %20Report%20and%20Recommendations%20Regarding%20P ostsecondary%20Credit%20Opportunities%20in%20Career- Technical%20Education.pdf College Credit Plus and other ways students studying career technical programs may potentially earn college credit ◦ /uploads/CCP/CollegeCreditPlus__CTEchart123.pdf /uploads/CCP/CollegeCreditPlus__CTEchart123.pdf Resources for Ohio School Report Cards/Career Technical Report Card Calculations ◦
Miami Valley Career Technology Center “Your 21 st Century JVS” We are dedicated to providing premier educational choices and advanced employment preparation for youth, adults, and organizations of the Miami Valley.