Dust Bowl Facts Droughts True Or False Life During The Storm Other 10 20 30 40 50.


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Presentation transcript:

Dust Bowl Facts Droughts True Or False Life During The Storm Other

Question In what years did the Dust Bowl take place?

Answer 1 –

Question How many states experienced droughts because of the Dust Bowl?

Answer 1 – 20 5 States

Question What act allotted farmers $200 million dollars to refinance mortgages?

Answer 1 – 30 The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act

Question How many dust storms took place in 1932?

Answer 1 – 40 14

Question What are the states that experienced drought because of the Dust Bowl?

Answer 1 – 50 Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, and Kansas

Question How many types of drought are there?

Answer 2 – 10 4 Types

Question Name another country that deals with drought?

Answer 2 – 20 Brazil, Australia, China, and South Africa

Question How many people died during the famine of 1984/1985 on the horn of Africa?

Answer 2 – ,000

Question How much money did the U.S. lose because of the 1988 drought?

Answer 2 – 40 $40 Billion

Question What are the 4 different types of drought?

Answer 2 – 50 Meteorological, Agricultural, Hydrological, and Socioeconomic

Question A dust storm reached the Atlantic Ocean.

Answer 3 – 10 True

Question The Dust Bowl was both a manmade and natural disaster.

Answer 3 – 20 True

Question The grasshopper and jackrabbit species almost went extinct during the Dust Bowl.

Answer 3 – 30 False

Question A newspaper reporter gave the Dust Bowl its name.

Answer 3 – 40 True

Question Most families left their family farms for safety for the dust storms.

Answer 3 – 50 False

Question What did the people eat during the Dust Bowl? (2 items)

Answer 4 – 10 Cornbread and Beans

Question How many people fled the 5 states during the Dust Bowl?

Answer 4 – 20 1/3 of the population, 50,000 people.

Question How much did the government pay farmers to not plow their fields during the Dust Bowl?

Answer 4 – 30 $1 an acre.

Question How much dust descended on Chicago?

Answer 4 – 40 As of 1938, 12 tons of dust had descended in Chicago (4lbs per person).

Question How long did it take for an inch of topsoil to blow away during the prime part of the Dust Bowl?

Answer 4 – 50 It only took minutes(2-10 mins).

Question True or False. The worst dust storm in 1935 blew dust over the five states for 27 days and nights.

Answer 5 – 10 True

Question Multiple Choice. How many dust storms were there in 1933? A. 26 B. 30 C. 38 D. 42

Answer 5 – 20 C. 38

Question What item did the Red Cross ask for immediately as the Dust Bowl started? A. Dust Mask B. Bottled Water C. Bread D. Plows

Answer 5 – 30 A. Dust Masks

Question In 1931, before the Dust Bowl, what was our country experiencing?

Answer 5 – 40 The Great Depression

Question This book was written in 1939, telling the story of a family forced off their land by the Dust Bowl. What is the book and who is it written by?

Answer 5 – 50 The Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck