OVERCONFIDENCE The tendency to be more confident than correct—to overestimate the accuracy of our beliefs and judgements
For each of the following questions, answer in terms of a range within which you expect the correct answer will almost certainly fall. Given a 98% confidence level, if you give answers between 100 and 200, for example, this would mean you think there is only a 2 percent chance that the real answer is either less than 100 or more than 200.
1)I feel 98% certain that the area of the US is more than _____ square miles but less than _____ square miles. 2)I feel 98% certain that in 2007 the population of Australia was more than _____ but less than _____. 3)I feel 98% certain that the number of American battle deaths in the Spanish-American War was more than _____ but less than _____. 4)I feel 98% certain that in 2005 the number of female psychiatrists in the United States was more than _____ but less than _____. 5)I feel 98% certain that in 2007 the number of operating nuclear plants in the world was more than _____ but less than _____.
ANSWERS million miles million people deaths 4.13,079 female psychiatrists nuclear plants