Customer Focus Module Preview This PowerPoint provides a sample of the Strategic Planning Module PowerPoint. The actual Strategic Planning PowerPoint is 57 slides. The sample demonstrates the types of interactive activities and information included in the Strategic Planning Module. Each slide is included in the Participant’s Guide and the Facilitator’s Guide. 1
CUSTOMER FOCUS MODULE School Customer Focus 2
Session One Customer Focus Overview 3
Purpose and Objectives Purpose Engage the School leadership team in identifying current and potential customers, gather input from customers, and serve customer needs to engage in building relationship. Outcomes Identify current and potential customers and their needs. Develop processes to gather input from external and internal customers. Integrating customers needs and requirements into aspects of the school. 4
Partners in Learning Throughout the Customer Focus Module, you will be partnered with two other people to learn, reflect, and discuss the content of this module. You will be with this group for two sessions, and then you will be grouped with new partners of learning for the last two sessions. For the first two sessions, you are grouped by the facilitators, and there will be a random grouping for the last two sessions. The hope is that your learning partners will provide you with insight on your customers and that you are provided a new perspective on your customers. 5
Improvement Terminology It is important for alignment, integration, and improvement that there is a shared understanding of common improvement terms. With your partners in learning, review three or four improvement terms provided and develop an example from your own school. Share your examples with the larger group. You may have questions about the concepts on the definition sheet. Write them down and post them on the Parking Lot poster for sharing later. Your questions will be addressed in the next session. 6
Closure Find a partner outside of your partners in learning group and discuss these prompts: What was the most compelling information from Session One? What conclusions would you draw from this information? Explain why. What is your current process for connecting with all customers and gaining input and feedback from them? 7
Assessment Session Conversation Using Customer Focus Assessment 8
Data Review (insert personal data) 9
Assessment Discussion Review the data from the Customer Focus Assessment individually first. Determine strengths and areas for improvement. In teams of four discuss the individual findings from the data and draw two conclusions. Share your team’s conclusions with the whole group. 10
Follow-Up Tasks Have other leaders within the school take the Customer Focus Assessment and analyze the data including any differences between the school leadership and workforce and the customers. Share data with other leaders and work teams to discuss findings and draw conclusions about needs within school, department, and support strategic plans. Widen the customer input and begin to target different customer segments for input using the Customer Focus Assessments. 11
Session Two Who Are We Serving? 12
Who Are We Serving? Take a moment to reflect on who you personally serve in the capacity of your work? Think about the services, programs, and products your work area delivers – who are the end users of your work? Create a list of those you believe you serve and those that use your services, programs, and products. Share your list with one other person for review. 13
Strategically Thinking About Customers 14 With your learning partners, take each of your work areas and list all end users of each work system. Using your generated brainstorm list determine the following: In what ways are they an end user? Is there more than one market segment within this customer base? Describe all the end users: Demographics Key characteristics Key needs (How do you know?) Who might be future users and how are they different from your current users?
Session Three How are we gathering input and building relationship? 15
Gathering Input From Customers With your new learning partners, discuss the following prompts: Who are your current customers, and how do we know what they need? Who are your future and potential customers? How would you determine their needs? What are you forecasting as the changes in your customer descriptions? 16
Effective Questions There are two types of information needed from your customers: Specific input on how things might be improved from their perspective. Feedback on how satisfied they are with a current service, program, or product they are using. Questions need to be structured to gain input/feedback on a specific service, program, or product used by the customer for the purpose of improvement. Timing and presentation of the questions will be key to gaining useful information. A process should be in place to gain input. 17
Session Four Pulling It All Together? 18
Examining Your Customer Focus With your learning partners complete the following: Individual Process MappingProcess Mapping As an individual draw your own understanding of how the school currently addresses customer identification, input, and using data to improve services, programs, and products: Review the steps of the process mapping. Don’t get bogged down in format today just get the ACTUAL way the leadership completes the process of working with customers. It is important to not think about how it should be done but get down the way it is completed today. 19
Closure – Handshake Protocol Everyone please stand and make eye contact with someone not sitting near you. Connect with your partner by giving him or her a handshake of greeting. Share your reflections guided by these questions: What have I learned about customer focus? Why should I care about my customers? How would this help our organization improve? There will be a quick share out and then you will move to a new partner and repeat the process with a new question. 20