FORMAT OF A RESEARCH REPORT Corlia van Vuuren August 2011
TITLE PAGE Title A research report compiled by Names In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree B.Sc (Physiotherapy) In the Department of Physiotherapy Faculty of Health Sciences University of the Free State October 2011 Study leader:....
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1Introduction 1.1BACKGROUND Exercise Exercise in children REFERENCES APPENDICES Appendix AInformation sheet (English) Appendix BInligtingstuk (Afrikaans) Appendix CConsent form
LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1Exercise in adults Table 2.1Exercise in children Table 2.2Resistance exercise Table 6.1Advantages of exercise
LIST OF GRAPHS Graph 1.1Exercise in adults Graph 2.1Exercise in children Graph 2.2Resistance exercise Graph 6.1Advantages of exercise
LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1Anatomy of a muscle
GENERAL REMARKS FOR INTRODUCTORY PAGES Page numbers roman i, ii, iii, etc. Set format
CHAPTER 1 Introductory chapter Brief overview of the study Terminology (or as a list after acronyms) Short description of research report (modified protocol)
CHAPTER 2 Literature review/study
CHAPTER 3 Methodology
CHAPTER 4 Results
CHAPTER 5 Discussion, shortcomings, recommendations
REFERENCES Alphabetical order No numbers Include page numbers
APPENDICES No page numbers Include all relevant information, e.g. signed approval letters, all ethical committee letters, consent forms, information sheets, questionnaires, etc.