Mammals Chapter 36
Section 1 Five key characteristics Some hair Diverse & specialized teeth Endothermic Mammary Glands placenta
Section 1 Mammals have diverse, specialized teeth 1. Molars 2. Incisors 3. Premolars 4. canine
Section 1 Mammary glands are used for milk production Weaning is done when baby animal can feed on their own
Section 2 Today’s Mammals Monotremes 1. Most primitive 2. Order of Monotremata 3. Three living species a. Platypus b. Two species of Echidna
Marsupials Include wombats, kangaroos, wallaroos, koalas, and opossums Are born days or weeks after fertilization and fully develop in a pouch
Placental Mammals Placenta - allows diffusion of nutrients and oxygen into the fetus Gestation Period - time when fetus is developing
Today’s Placentals Rodentia 40% of placentals Teeth grow continually and are used for gnawing Mice, rat, squirrel
Chiroptera Bats the only mammal capable of flight
Insectivora Eats insects Includes the mighty shrew
Carnivora Eat mostly meat Include cats, dogs, bears, raccoons
Pinnipedia Marine carnivores Have flippers, insulating layer of blubber Include the walrus
Primates Monkey, human Most advanced
Artiodactyla Are called ungulates with even # of toes Have a rumen and chew cud Includes pigs, giraffes, sheep, cattle
Perissocactyla Ungulates with an odd # of toes Include horse, zebras, rhino
Cetacea Live in water Dolphins, porpoises, whale have a plow hole used to breath
Lagomorpha Rabbits and hairs Teeth grow all the time
Sirenia Barrel-shaped body Manatees or called the sea cow
Proboscidea Elephants the largest on land
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