KOREA October, 15, 2012 ESL 156 Culture Class Presenter: Daegon You & Sungsoo Kim Instructor: Lyra Riabov
* Geographical Information of Korea * Korean Traditional Clothes * Big Celebration days of Korea * Korean Foods
Republic of Korea
* ★ Location : East Asia * ★ Capital City : Seoul * ★ Territory : 99,720 ㎢ (Rank 109) * ★ GDP : trillion (Rank 15) * ★ Population : about 48,860,500 (Rank 25) * Compare the territory of Korea with each one of other countries. * ★ KOR/USA : 1 : 98.5(Rank 3) * ★ KOR/CHN : 1 : 96.2(Rank 4) * ★ KOR/SAU : 1 : 21.5(Rank 13) * ★ KOR/IDN : 1 : 19.1(Rank 15) * ★ KOR/LBY : 1 : 17.6(Rank 17) * ★ KOR/JPN : 1 : 3.7(Rank 62) * ★ KOR/VNM : 1 : 3.3 (Rank 66) * ★ KOR/TWN : 1 : 0.3(Rank 136)
Han-Bok is Name of Korean Traditional Cloth (Wedding Day, Thanks Giving Day, Happy New Years Day)Wedding Day
Ceremony (Chuseok and New Years Day) Bow (New Years Day) Kite Yut Ganggangs uewalre One game
Korean Traditional Snack Rice Cake Jeon
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