“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X SIMBOL-X OPTICS SIMBOL-X OPTICS Giovanni Pareschi INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera Lower Spider Upper Spider Case Shell
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Poster presentation related to the SX optics implementation Basso et al., “The relation between the weight and the quality image in a X-ray telescope, with a particular regard to Simbol-X” Vernani, et al., “Feasibility study for the manufacturing of the multilayer x-ray optics for Simbol-X” Cotroneo et al, “Simbol-X mirror module design scientific optimization” Basso et al, “The problem of the calibration of SIMBOL-X X-ray telescope” Spiga et al., “ The scattering caused by microrougnhess in the Simbol-X multilayer coated optics” Romaine, et al, ”Multilayer coated hard X-ray mirrors based on Ni electroformed mirror shells”
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X OUTLINE Designing of the Simbol-X optics The technology for the optics fabrication Remarks on the calibration issue
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Top-level scientific requirements Energy band:~0.5 – ≥ 80 keV Field of view (at 30 keV): ≥ 12’ (diameter) On-axis effective area: ≥ 100 cm 2 at 0.5 keV ≥ 1000 cm 2 at 2 keV ≥ 600 cm 2 at 8 keV ≥ 300 cm 2 at 30 keV ≥ 100 cm 2 at 70 keV ≥ 50 cm 2 at 80 keV (goal) Detectors background < 2 cts s -1 cm -2 keV -1 HED < 3 cts s -1 cm -2 keV -1 LED On-axis sensitivity ≤ c.g.s.(~0.5 µCrab), keV band, 3 1Ms, Line sensitivity at 68 keV < 3 ph cm -2 s -1 (3 1Ms) Angular resolution ≤ 20”(HPD), E < 30 keV ≤ E = 60 keV (goal) Spectral resolution E/ E = at 6-10 keV E/ E = 50 at 68 keV (goal) Absolute timing accuracy100 µs (50 µs goal) Absolute pointing reconstruction ~ 3 (radius, 90%) (2” goal) Mission duration 3 years including commissioning and calibrations (2 years of scientific program) + provision for a possible 2 year extension Total number of pointings > 1000 (first 3 years, nominal mission) 500 (during the possible 2 year mission extension)
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X SX Flux Sensitivity
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Advantages of focusing optics versus direct-view detectors Moreover: much better imaging capabilities! B =background flux, T int = integration time, E = integration bandwidth r HEW = FL * HEW [rad] HEW = Half Energy Width = circle where 50 % of focused photons is contained
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Angular resolution for past & future Hard X-ray Experiments ExperimentYear “Imaging” technique Angular resolution SAX-PDS1996Rocking collimator > 3600 arcsec (collimator pitch) INTEGRAL-IBIS2002Coded mask720 arcsec (mask pitch) HEFT (baloon)2005Multilayer optics> 90 arcsec HEW NEXT2013?Multilayer Optics arcsec HEW SIMBOL-X2013?Multilayer Optics arcsec HEW
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X IMAGING (I) Osservazione XMM dello stesso campo tra 0.1 e 10 keV
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X IMAGING (II) 1’ 50” HPD; eq. 2 Crab 30”HPD Eq.2 Crab 15”HPD Eq.0.2 Crab 10’
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X The focusing problem in the hard X-ray region (> 10 keV) but Wolter I geometry F = focal length R = reflectivity L = mirror height = incidence angle A eff F 2 x c 2 x R 2 At photon energies > 10 keV the cut-off angles for total reflection are very small also for heavy metals the geometrical areas with usual focal lengths (> 10 m) are in general negligible
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X 0.6 o Focal Length Vs. Diameters for SIMBOL-X and other X-ray telescopes Multilayers A eff F 2 x c 2 x R 2 The Formation Flight architecture offers the opportunity to implement long FL telescopes!
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Design Constraints FOCAL LENGTH: ≥ 19 m (due to formation flight parameters) DETECTOR SIZE: 7 +/1 cm (Size of the LED wafer + lateral ditering) NUMBER OF MIRROR SHELLS: ≤ 100 MAXIMUM DIAMETER: 70 cm (i.e. as XMM) MINIMUM DIAMETER: ≥ 25 cm (to allow the multilayer deposition “post facto”) MASS TO AREA RATIO: a reliable number in line with angular resolution of at least 20 arcsec HEW MASS: not larger than 480 (TBD) including structure
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X SIMBOL-X Baseline Design Baseline detector size
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Optics design Focal length : 20 m Shell diameters : 30 to 70 cm Shell thickness : 0.2 to 0.6 mm Number of shells : 100 Heritage from XMM–Newton : nickel shells obtained by electroforming replication method; low mass obtained via a reduced thickness of shells Coating : multi-layer Pt/C needed for requirement on large FOV and on sensitivity up to > 80 keV N.B. I: The optics module will have both sides covered with thermal blankets N.B. II: a proton diverter will be implemented
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Mirror shell production by Ni electroforming replication BeppoSAX Jet-X/Swift XMM-Newton ESA credits
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Existing Coating Facilities at INAF- OAB & Media Lario Techn.
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X HPD = 15 arcsec Year: 1994 HPD = 15 arcsec Year: 1999 Thin JET-X shell : 25 arcsec Thickness Vs. Diameter trend for Ni- replicated optics
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Wall thickness/diameter trade-off A B XMM f=7.5 m JetX 1shell f=3.5m S M/A col computed rescaling to the correct focal length (20m) HEW M/A col 12” 25” Mass including structure ≈480 kg Radial force for a thin shell. Exponent ‘z’=3 R ww F Edge moment for a thin shell. Exponent ‘z’=1 Thicknesses ~ 2 times less than XMM
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Lower Spider Upper Spider Case Shell Section of the ring The use of stiffening rings for handling and integration of thin mirror shells
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Temporary spider must give stiffness to the upper side of the entire set of shells and must be removed after gluing of all the shells on the upper spider. Gluing of first set of DGC. Temporary IS can be used to apply control devises Removing of stiffening rings Positioning of second shell and gluing of second set of DGC Repeated for N shell IS DGC..... Gluing of N shells on the upper spider and removing all DGC Removing temporary IS Temporary spider Double grooves clips (DGC) Internal shaft (IS) Integration procedure
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Deposition of the multilayer film onto the internal surface of a replicated mirror shell (development activity carried out so far in collaboration with the Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) particularly well suited for Simbol-X, since based on large diameter optics Pt C Multilayer deposition system
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Multilayer coated Ni mirror shells tested at Panter CREDITS: Panter/MPE
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X The long focal length calibration issue Possible Simbol-X position in the Panter facility for calibrations * Simbol-X position Fraction of the measured EA in double reflection for different lengths of the X-ray facility (as source- detector distance) for Simbol-X. The PANTER facility case corresponds approximately to the red line case.
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Test of very long focal length optics ( m) in pencil beam setup with more than 1 shell Horizontal rotation correction Lateral correction FM WM Comparators used to monitor the optic position during the optic spinning Vertical tilt correction Axial spin Scheme of the manipulator: the possible movements/adjustments of the optical module are indicated
“The SIMBOL-X optics”, Bologna, 14 May 2007 SIMBOL-X Programmatic points By the end of the Phase a is planned to develope and calibrate a couple of multi-shell prototypes, caled down of a factor 2 wrt Simbol- X (Focal Length = 10 m, max diameter = 35 cm) It is planned the development of a diamond-turning facility for the madrel fabrication In Phase B a fully representative demonstrator will be developed and calibrated