Wichita By Carsyn Elliott and Aimee Bowling
I. Location and Government They were found near the eastern edges of the Great Plains. They were found near the eastern edges of the Great Plains. They were located west –north west of Caddo and shared many things in common. They were located west –north west of Caddo and shared many things in common. They had chiefs that lead them. They had chiefs that lead them. Chiefs were assisted by sub chiefs. Chiefs were assisted by sub chiefs. They smoked peace pipe. They smoked peace pipe. The Shaman was religious leaders for the tribe. The Shaman was religious leaders for the tribe.
II. Homes The Wichita homes were made out of branches and thatch. The Wichita homes were made out of branches and thatch. The homes looked like beehives. The homes looked like beehives. Each home held an extended family of 10 to 15 people and have pallets on a side. Each home held an extended family of 10 to 15 people and have pallets on a side. The Wichita tribe also built a arbor next to their house. The Wichita tribe also built a arbor next to their house. This was done with 4 poles and a roof. This was done with 4 poles and a roof. The point of the arbor was to give the women a nice place to do their work. The point of the arbor was to give the women a nice place to do their work.
III. Dress The Wichita women were the greatest dressed of all. They wore necklaces made out of elk teeth. The men wore shirts and breechcloths with leggings. Both men and women wore jewelry. They had so many tattoos around their eyes they had raccoon eyes. They wore clothes that covered them from their chin to their ankles.
IV. How they Lived The Wichita were farmers, they were located so close to the Great Plains they hunted buffalo too. As farmers they planted fields of corn, beans, squash, pumpkins, muskmelon, and plum trees. Usually women planted, harvested, and took care of the plants. Wichita traded elk teeth necklaces, tobacco, corn and beans. Comanche, Caddo, and French received these items. They made bows from Bois d` Arc which means bow wood. This was difficult but very flexible wood from Osage orange tree. French guns and ammunition and Caddo pottery, were traded for horses. The Wichita lines descended through their mothers.
V. Beliefs They believed in a chief God called Man – Never- Known- On- Earth. They believed in a chief God called Man – Never- Known- On- Earth. They also believed in Mother Earth, she allowed the crops to grow. They also believed in Mother Earth, she allowed the crops to grow. The other gods came from the sky and stars. The other gods came from the sky and stars. These included the Sun,Morning Star, North Star, South Star, Moon, Ghost Star, and lots others. These included the Sun,Morning Star, North Star, South Star, Moon, Ghost Star, and lots others. They believed in the afterlife. They believed in the afterlife. Wichita believe that good people got rewarded, bad people punished in the afterlife. Wichita believe that good people got rewarded, bad people punished in the afterlife. This led the Wichita to be we behaved, obedient, and polite. This led the Wichita to be we behaved, obedient, and polite.
VI. Summary The Wichita tribe was very much alike Caddo. They lived in beehive shaped homes, they traded, tattooed themselves, had a yearly hunt for buffalo and moved west. Wichita descended through their mothers family. The tribe believed in a creature and an afterlife where they were rewarded and punished.