POOPING on your Conclusion like a Pro
POOP on your CONCLUSION Paraphrase Thesis Overview of Points Outcome Point
Signal Words Let the reader know you are about to wrap things up Use words/phrases like: In conclusion Finally Last(ly) In closing
Paraphrase the Thesis The key word is rephrase. Write the thesis in a different way. Example: Original thesis: Every child should have a pet because pets provide companionship, teach compassion, and encourage responsibility. Rephrased thesis: Companionship, compassion, and responsibility are three things that we can give to our children in the form of a warm, cuddly, and furry friend.
Overview of Points What were your three reasons again? Remind the reader of your three reasons. Example: Original Thesis: Ipads should replace textbooks in the classroom for three main reasons: they are more interactive, convenient, and environmentally friendly.
Overview of Points Paraphrase Thesis: IPads would be a welcome alternative for any classroom where textbooks have been used in the past. Overview of Points: Not only are iPads interactive, they are also compact, convenient, and eco-friendly.
Outcome If the reader followed your advice, what would occur? What would be the outcome? Example Outcome Statement: If iPads were introduced into the classroom, students would become more engaged in daily lessons, more prepared for life beyond school walls, and better able to stay organized.
Point: End with a Bang End where you began: look back at the hook you used to introduce your essay and give some thought to how you might tie the end of your essay to the beginning. For example: if you began with a vivid description, you might refer to that description again in the conclusion. Example: Imagine a world where students are itching to come to class; where research occurs at a mere touch wherever they go, and where paper has no meaning. This future can happen if we let it.