Keyport Public Schools Facility Planning 12/02/15
Keyport Central School Capital ProjectsCostPriority Replace Vacuum Pump in Boiler Room20, Ahera Asbestos Abatement125, Replace Lift by Gymnasium60, Blacktop Paving60, Fire Alarm Upgrade25, Bathroom Upgrades-Alternate remaining110, Locker Room Showers60, Lighting Upgrade393, Locker Room Floors20, Unit Ventilators in Classrooms-1,030, AC in Building1,580, Water Fountains10, Camera In Gymnasium5, Deisel Generator500, Upgrade Classroom Cabinetry20, Additional Floor Finishes50, Administrative Office Refurbishment20, Stage Light1,500 Total4,089,500
Keyport High School Capital ProjectsCostPriority Boiler Replacement200, Plumbing/Ongoing200, Upgrade Science Lab70, Asbestos Abatement Program-Ongoing150, Third Floor Bathrooms69, Gym Middle Door20, Water Fountains10, Boys/Girls Locker Shower Upgrade440, Third Floor Flooring replacement50, Gym Air Handlers318, Floor Finishings-ongoing40, Clocks-Ongoing2, Gym Sound System20, New Lockers125, Gym Bleachers200, Hands Free Hand Drying8, LED Lighting375, Counter Tops15, Sound System83,000 Total2,395,000
District Capital ProjectsCostPriority Practice Field Completion50, Salting Machine and Plow10, Paving100, Ath Field-Lighting370, Curbing100, Truck50, Synthetic Track590, Storage Barn-Ath Field125, Board Office Rug15, Ath Field-Snack Bar913, Baseball Field- Hockey Field10,000 BOE Sound System28,000 Total2,361,000
Recommended Projects with associated costs Replace Vacuum Pump in Boiler Room-KCS20,000 Replace Lift by Gymnasium-KCS60,000 Blacktop Paving-KCS60,000 Upgrade Science Lab70,000 Practice Field Completion50,000 Salting Machine and Plow10,000 Baseball Field- Hockey Field10,000 Plumbing-KHS200,000 Boiler Replacement200,000 Ahera Asbestos Abatement-KCS&KHS175,000 Total855,000
Recommended for the Budget Replace Lift by Gymnasium-KCS60,000 Blacktop Paving-KCS60,000 Upgrade Science Lab70,000 Practice Field Completion50,000 Salting Machine and Plow10,000 Baseball Field- Hockey Field10,000 Plumbing-KHS100,000 Total360,000
Recommend securing funds in reserve Boiler Replacement200,000 Ahera Asbestos Abatement- KCS&KHS175,000 Plumbing-KHS100,000 Total475,000
Projected Balances Capital Reserve Balance$705,984 Maintenance Reserve Balance +$352,722 Total Balance$1,058,706 Projects for $360,000 Updated Balance$698,706 Secured Funds for Upcoming Projects -$475,000 Future Reserve Balance$223,706
Possible Projects to Accumulate Savings For: Unit Ventilators-KCS $1,030,000 Athletic Field Lighting $ 370,000 Synthetic Track $ 590,000 Total $1,990,000
Possible Funding Scenario Reserve Accumulation $350,000 per year X 5 years $1,750,000
Discussion and Questions