The HIGHEST Vocation
There are 3 Types of Vocation 1. Professional 2. Ministerial 3. Eternal
There are 3 Types of Vocation 1. Professional- talents and abilities given by God for you to serve humanity and the world
There are 3 Types of Vocation 2. Ministerial- spiritual gifts and ministries given by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for the edification of the Body of Christ
There are 3 Types of Vocation 3. Eternal- the Highest vocation to be disclosed in the future, for which we are been prepared now.
Paul´s declarations about this Vocation Phil. 3:7-16 It was a goal that Paul pursued
Paul´s declarations about this Vocation Phil. 1:3-11 It will be completed until the Day of Christ
Paul´s declarations about this Vocation Col. 3:1-4 It is hidden in Christ now and It will be manifested when Christ Himself manifests
Paul´s declarations about this Vocation Col. 1:9-14 It will be revealed on the Day of Christ
Paul´s declarations about this Vocation 2 Tim. 4:6-8 There will be a reward on that Day.
The HIGHEST Vocation There is something BIG been prepared for those who are in Christ Jesus, which surpasses our professional and ministerial vocations. It is so precious and so worthy of any sacrifice and demands, and it requires full determination, total dedication, and wholeheart.
WHAT is it? Daniel 7:9-14; 22, 27 Daniel saw an eternal kingdom be given to the saints, the people of the Most High.
WHAT is it? Rev. 20:1-6 John saw the kingdom of Christ becoming real in the world and that we will reign with Him.
New heaven and new earth WHERE will it be? 2 Peter 3:13 New heaven and new earth
WHEN will it be? 1 Thess. 4:13-18 The Order of Events: Christ’s voice of command The voice of the archangel The sound of the trumpet Jesus comes down from heaven 1st resurrection from those who sleep in Christ The Rapture of those who will be living Encounter on the clouds; Christ´s Tribunal; The Wedding of the Lamb.
The DAY of Christ It is the day of our reunion with Him 2 Thess. 1:5-12 2 Thess. 2:13-17
Our Reunion with the Lord ON THE CLOUDS: THE DEAD IN Christ will rise The living in Christ will be taken up There will be an encounter on the clouds Christ´s Tribunal: Christ will reveal our participation in His kingdom (The Millenium); He will reveal the HIGHEST vocation for which we are been prepared for now.
Some of the tasks and jobs available will be: The HIGHEST Vocation Some of the tasks and jobs available will be: Judges over the Nations of the world Judges over the angels Soldiers, Generals, Colonels in the Army of Christ Reining positions: mayors, governors, etc.
The HIGHEST Vocation The HIGHEST the position we will have the HIGHEST the glory Christ will receive. Our positions will glorify Christ because they will show we sought HIM firsts and His kingdom on the time we lived on the old earth. The faithfull on the little (NOW) will be put over much (THEN).
HOW to prepare for the HIGHEST Vocation Mat. 6:36 Seek His Kingdom and His justice FIRST now.
HOW to prepare for the HIGHEST Vocation 1 Cor. 15:50-54 Be fruitful for the kingdom: there will be reward
HOW to prepare for the HIGHEST Vocation Rev. 22: The Spirit and the Bride say: Come Lord Jesus!
HOW to prepare for the HIGHEST Vocation Mat. 5: Pray: Let your kingdom come!
TRADE WISELY Mat. 13:44- Sell all you have and buy the field where the treasure is. Mat. 13:45-46: Sell all you have and buy the field where the precious pearl is.