University RMIT IT? at RMIT The best way to predict the future is to create IT! (Peter Drucker)
University RMIT Job-satisfaction responsibility have fun make money What do we expect from a job?
University RMIT Printing – 1455 Gutenberg printing press (spread knowledge – started science and technology) Telephone Alexander Graham Bell 1876 radio, TV (reduced wars) Responsibility IT had impact! Internet
University RMIT Old people, children Future IT inventions? GPS Smaller prisons IT will have impact! + phone +identification Free compute power Open source software Wikipedia/Wikibooks Free education!!!
University RMIT Do we still need these?? IT – changes society 6M places needed In the USA 40M infected 3M deaths/year 8B cost of petrol in USA 1T military spending/year Waiting time? Theft, cost
University RMIT 60% growth in IT related jobs Not many qualified people! 13% more for Business and Management Jobs: The next 10 years (USA) What will all these people do? $
University RMIT K 200K 300K 400K Research: Income, #PhD students, #publications K 600K Results # 700K 800K $
University RMIT 2003 ATN, Monash, MU (CS, SE, IT) (SES) CEQ: The good teaching scale (Remark: The 2004 SES-cohort is the 2005 CEQ-cohort) IT (BP162) CS (BP094) (BP096) SE CEQ: The good teaching scale
University RMIT flexible Industry: Advisory board, interview, public speaking, EXPO, Industrial year IT Symposium The right balance! employable Competitors? Strong Research: New ideas Future concepts Fundamentals Principles Ready for the future!
University RMIT Just do IT at RMIT!!! The best way to predict the future is to create IT!