Barbie, G.I. Joe, and Play in the 1960’s by Gary Cross
Contradictions . . . “G.I. Joe began as a celebration of an all-male world of realistic combat. But Joe encountered deeper contradictions in the 1960s than did Barbie and was forced to flee into fantasy.”
Contradictions . . . Hero Wars Star Wars Realistic Men’s Men Conquer the bad guys Star Wars Fantasy Men’s Women Conquer the universe
Playtime imaginations Boy becomes Joe Girl becomes Barbie
Play doesn’t happen in a vacuum… G.I. Joe seeks The hero in himself The Barbie in his mate Barbie seeks Perfect figure (etc.) in herself The hero in her mate
W “ e all participate in weaving the social fabric; we should therefore all participate in patching the fabric when it develops holes – mismatches between old expectations and current realities.” -- Anne C. Weisbert and Carol A. Buckler Everything a Working Mother Needs to Know
Let’s Explore Holes in the Social Fabric Patching the Holes What are some other unrealistic expectations we place on others? What’s wrong with unrealistic expectations? Patching the Holes What can we do?