ENGLISH 51 Melissa Gunby MW 10-11:50 am
This is English 51, a class that focuses on improving reading skills and writing pre- college level essays; includes basic writing elements, rhetorical modes, and a review of sentence structure and mechanics. WELCOME!
Before we begin reviewing anything from the syllabus, I want to know what questions you have about this course. QUESTIONS?
4 Essays Reflection Memo (Final Assignment) Weekly reading and writing homework 2 midterm exams 1 departmental final exam COURSE REQUIREMENTS
We’re going to have 18 weeks of learning together, so I want you to start to get to know each other. Each of you will have a secret identity taped to your back. You have to figure out your own identity by asking only yes or no questions of classmates. – You may not give hints – You may not ask “Am I x’s partner?” Once you have found out your identity, seek out your partner. When you’ve found your partner, sit together and take some time to chat. I will ask you to introduce each other to the rest of the class. ACTIVITY
Please tell us a little bit about your partner. INTRODUCTIONS
One of the activities we will be doing will be chapter presentations on Ender’s Game. The following pairs will make up groups. We will assign chapters next week: Twilight/Star Wars Superman/Batman/Romeo & Juliet Simpsons/Princess Bride/Kermit & Miss Piggy Obamas and Royals & Pitt/Jolie Mickey & Minnie/ Harry Potter Sherlock Holmes & John Watson/ Lizzie & Darcy PRESENTATION GROUPS
None! Have a great day and I’ll see you on Wednesday! HOMEWORK Text: Office Hour: 9-10am MW