Tablet PCs Cindy O’Reilly
Stage 1: Need Ability to hand write instead of type Capture signatures electronically Portable touch screen
Stage 2: Research Early pen technology in late 1980s (Blickenstorfer, 2005) Handwriting recognition NestorWriter handwriting recognizer 1991 started hype for pen computing (Blickenstorfer, 2005) Pen Extensions for Windows 3.1
Stage 3: Development 1992 products released – GO Corporation PenPoint – Lexicus Longhand handwriting recognition software IBM ThinkPad Between number of companies released pen computers Technology was not ready Too difficult to replace keyboard input with pen & voice input Tablet PCs released by Microsoft in 2002 Uses “Digital Ink” as well as handwriting recognition Has keyboard
Stage 4: Commercialization In early 1990s, press enthusiastic then critical Big names in computing – Microsoft, IBM, Compaq GO lost $70 million Microsoft promoting “Digital Ink” features & downplaying handwriting recognition
References Blickenstorfer, C. (2005). A brief history of Tablet PCs. Retrieved June 24, 2005 from WebProNews website: /12/20/a-brief-history-of-tablet-pcs Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York: Free Press.