ASTF Update to Citizens Advice Waverley’s Trustee Board - April 2015
ASTF Project The project has been live for 18 months and is due to complete its next report to the Big Lottery in May This will be a detailed report as our Case Officer will be expecting to see details as to how the remaining monies will be spent and on which areas of our project. We have been advised that the Big Lottery does not allow any extension of time on projects except in very exceptional circumstances.
ASTF Update We are in discussion with GPs and the CCGs to establish a pilot project on advice provision in GP surgeries. This will look at an holistic approach to the improvement of patients’ lives through access to information and related support services. In support of this a touch screen information terminal will be placed in up to 3 pilot GP surgeries.
ASTF Update Documents are being finalised for 2 tenders due to be released under the project. These are for: Provision of a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony solution, which will reduce telephony costs. It will also offer an opportunity for us to “host” other local organisations that are interested in VOIP.
ASTF Update The provision of touch screen information terminals and the associated software and installation. Both tenders are currently scheduled to be returned at the end of May with a view to both VoIP and the terminals being live by August 15. A full training schedule will be put in place for staff and volunteers.
ASTF Update A series of training sessions between May and September are being planned and booked for paid staff and volunteers of both CAW and ASTF partners. These support the key topics in the CAW Business Plan. This is key to the ASTF Outcome of upskilling generalist advisers.
ASTF Update The Cash Confidence workstream of the project is undertaking a pilot to integrate Cash Confidence training into CAW’s debt advice process. This pilot will run until the end of May, having started in March. The Board will be updated on the evaluation of this approach.
ASTF Update Sustainability: the project is actively seeking to appoint a suitable consultant to assist in strengthening links with the community. This will include identifying how we build and sustain links with other local organisations (Rotary, Lions, local business etc) that can provide financial support.