Technology has been evolving since the Past, and there’s where we’re going to start.


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Presentation transcript:

Technology has been evolving since the Past, and there’s where we’re going to start

As we saw on the first video “Ancient Egypts Superior Technology & Science EP2 (Documentary)”, that are evidences that say that the ancient Egyptians already had in mind some technologies that we use in our days, like some modern vehicles like the Helicopter, that was shown on some hieroglyphs, but those evidences are not proved yet.

Then, a lot time after the Ancient Egypt, came the Middle Ages, which was a time that was marked for the population growth and for the advances made in the world of the art, architecture, science, business and technology. We have four important things that were created at that time:

The Heavy Plough Allowed people to grow crops in soils too hard for hand digging and to greatly expand their.

Water Mills Used to generate power to operate machines like grinders and saws.

The hour glass Used by sailors that used it to mark the passage of time, that allowed them to determine their longitude.

The printing press Allowed for the first time the industrial-scale printing.

And now, we come to today’s technology, that evolved a lot and keeps evolving every single day, and it brings a lot of benefits, but, not everything is perfect, and although I love technology, there are pretty significant negative effects on us and at the world.

Let’s start at the Business Technology. Although technology is helpful, those big companies are protected with systems that cost millions of dollars just by 1 reason: Cyber pirates or Hackers. They can steal their information and money. They also make the Software, music and movie industries lose millions of dollars every year due to the copy of their products.

Then we go to Technology in society. Products like cell phones and laptops have evolved fast and have become available for everybody, but, because of that, people have become dependent on them.

For example, at 2008, everybody with 21 years old had already watched hours of TV, played hours of video-games, talked on their phones for hours and sent more than s or instant messages.

Actually, more than people around the world use facebook and other social networks, and for some people, this kind of communication had become their only way of communication, which causes for kids bad social skills, making them act awkward in a group of people.

These portable technologies and computers had become a massive cause of distraction, due to social networks, internet gaming sites and that keep people from getting their work done.

Then, we go to the Future of the Technology, that’s made of predictions.

Everything will be touch screen, for example, our TVs, Fridges, cooking place, credit cards and even the newspaper. Everything will be controlled by the palm of our hands. It will be so easy to do everything we want.

But that’s not as good as you think: as things get easier to do, we’ll get lazier and because of that, people we’ll be more sedentary and they will get a lot of health problems.

Although what I just said, technology can be helpful in other ways, for example: our cars will be driven by themselves; stuff that is really expensive at the moment will become affordable to everybody, roads will not even exist because our cars will become hover cars.

As you see, not everything will be bad, and if we, humans, learn how to deal with this new technology, our world will be better.