Challenges faced by Women in Electoral Process Sahbhagi Shikshan Kendra Lucknow
Challenges faced by Women in electoral process Denial to cast to Vote- political participation is considered insignificant. Missing names from voter list False voting Women and those coming from weaker sections are restrained from making choice to vote, they are forced to cast votes under pressure or dominance Women and dalits are made to contest elections as dummy candidates. Migration is challenge- as migrant community especially women do not come out to vote Election is considered to be a political process where presence of Women is not desirable.
PEVAC- a strategy to promote women political participation To create an enabling environment for free and fair election. To encourage voters to make the best use of their rights to franchise. To increase participation of women and those coming from weak and marginalized in particular. To generate awareness on responsible electoral behavior, thereby checking participation of dummy candidates.
PEVAC reinforces democratic right of women and dalits Right to vote Right to contest elections Right to make choice Right to identity
PEVAC- Activities Building community cadres for campaign- SHG members – to encourage women to come out and vote and make choice Creating community level vigilance groups- nigrani samuh- to check election related discrepancies IEC activities/ Environment Building- Posters/ leaflets, Rallies, Information vans Nomination help camps Amna Samna- Public hearings and manifesto declaration by candidates Display of messages related to free and fair elections near polling booths Presence of community cadres on polling booths to facilitate voting process for women
Glimpses of campaign Nomination Help Camp Rally by Women Self Help Group Members Information Van in village