Revenue Survey
Probable Trends 2 Valuation Growth – Will show slow growth again in 2011 affecting the 2012 mill levy rate. Sales Taxes – Since 2007, sales tax collections ( from the City’s 1¢ sales tax ) has hovered around $9.4 million. Franchise Fees – Citywide growth continues to annually add to this major revenue source. Trend : Edging Up 1.5% to 2.0% Trend : Edging Up 2.0% to 3.0% Trend : Strong 6.0% to 10.0%
Probable Trends 3 Beginning Cash Balances – Although this revenue source does not have a “community growth” aspect, it remains a very important part of all budgeted funds. Trend : Flat (2.0%) to +2.0% depending on the budgeted fund Transfers– This revenue source also does not have a “community growth” aspect, but is very important to the General Fund and Bond & Interest Fund Trend : Flat (2.0%) to +2.0% depending on available revenues
4 Revenue SourcePercentBudget Amount Beginning Cash Balances18%$ 19,087,521 Property Taxes17%$ 18,296,294 Sales Taxes15%$ 15,497,438 Franchise Fees3%$ 3,131,668 Water Sales/Revenues7%$ 6,930,500 Wastewater Fees/Revenues7%$ 7,102,000 Stormwater Fees/Revenues1%$ 1,368,000 Special Assessments6%$ 6,123,164 Gasoline Taxes from State1%$ 1,209,000 Alcohol Taxes from State1%$1,200,000 Transient Guest Taxes1%$ 1,050,408 STAR/TIF Revenues5%$ 5,783,863 Many smaller revenues sources18%$ 18,265,682 Revenue Sources for the 2011 City Budget
5 Revenue SourcePercentBudget Amount Many smaller revenues sources18%$ 18,265,682 Revenue Sources for the 2011 City Budget Including: Airport revenues, investment income, BID revenues, motor vehicle taxes, licenses and permits, sales and services, recreation fees, Sunset Zoo revenues, municipal court revenues, swimming pool fees, animal shelter revenues, CDBG revenues, delinquent taxes, etc. By individual category, each revenue source would be well less than 1% of the total City Budget. Collectively, they are a significant source of revenues for the annual City budget.
Beginning Cash Balances 6 All budgeted funds ,394,25424,663,86526,835,31125,924,18027,825,688 Only 21% of the beginning cash balance in 2011 is related to property tax funds ($5,749,288). Of that percentage (21%), about 83% are beginning balances in the General Fund and Bond & Interest Fund.
Beginning Cash Balances 7 All budgeted funds 2011 Budget2011 Preliminary 19,087,52127,825,688 72% of the difference between these two amounts ($8,738,167) is explained by: Enterprise Funds = $3,961,390 Economic Development Fund = $2,299,771
8 General Fund Changes in Cash Balances
General Fund 9
General Fund Revenues 10 General Fund Expenditures: $ 21,238,424 Revenue Source 2010 Actual2011 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance$ 2,578,7272,768,826 Property Taxes1,304,4031,324,399 Sales Taxes7,573,7887,750,040 Franchise Fees2,914,6682,733,368 Municipal Court1,464,0181,563,400 Transfers4,214,3064,490,102 All Other Revenues3,888,4913,307,003 General Fund Revenues$ 23,938,401$ 23,937,138 Actual
11 Property Taxes 5.5% Beginning Cash 12.2% Sales Taxes 32.6% Franchise Fees 9.6% Municipal Court Revenues 6.2% 86% of $ 23,916,541 Budgeted revenues forecasted 2012 General Fund Revenues Transfers 19.0%
Bond & Interest Fund 12
Bond & Interest Fund Revenues 14 Revenue Source 2010 Actual2011 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance2,995,0811,995,575 Property Taxes877,3372,399,386 Special Assessments5,929,7786,123,164 Sales Tax Transfers1,593,7451,350,000 Special Election Sales Tax01,066,700 Transfers from Other Funds1,547,3002,050,650 STAR Bond Revenue02,017,163 TIF Bond Revenue0979,554 All Other Revenues400,374199,885 B&I Fund Revenues:$ 13,343,615$ 18,182,077 Actual
15 Property Taxes 11.6% Beginning Cash 5.3% Special Assessments 29.1% Sales Tax Transfer 8.5% Special Election Sales Tax 8.7% 100% of $ 20,712,300 revenues forecasted Bond & Interest Fund Revenues STAR Bond Revenue 18.0% TIF Bond Revenue 7.0% Other Revenues are less than 1%
Enterprise Funds 16
Water Fund Rates 17 Jan-08Jan-09Jan-10Jan-11 $ Rate $ Increase % Increase $ Rate $ Increase % Increase $ Rate $ Increase % Increase $ Rate $ Increase % Increase Residential % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Commercial % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Water Sale Revenue Water Sales Projected $ 5,175,809$ 5,414,148$ 6,173,534$ 6,639,746 0 to 2 units 3 to 20 units 21 to 400 units 401 or more units 0 to 2 units 3 to 20 units 21 to 400 units 401 or more units
Waste Water Fund Rates 18 Jan-09Jan-10Jan-11 $ Rate $ Increase % Increase $ Rate $ Increase % Increase $ Rate $ Increase % Increase Residential 10.61$1.7720%$13.26$2.6525%$15.91$2.6520% 1.60$0.2720%$2.00$0.4025%$2.39$0.4020% Commercial 15.91$2.6520%$19.89$3.9825%$23.87$3.9820% 2.39$0.4020%$2.99$0.6025%$3.59$0.6020% Revenue from Fees Projected Revenue from Fees $ 4,695,889$ 5,930,004$ 7,102,502 0 to 2 units Every unit over 2 0 to 2 units Every unit over 2
Storm Water Fund Rates 19 Apr-07Jan-08Jan-09Jan-10Jan-11 $ Rate $ Increase % Increase $ Rate $ Increase % Increase $ Rate $ Increase % Increase $ Rate $ Increase % Increase $ Rate $ Increase % Increase $2.50$1.4056%$3.00$0.5020%$3.50$0.5017%$3.75$0.257%$3.93$0.195% Revenue from Fees $ 801,294$ 1,027,917$ 1,165,073 $ 1,267,592$ 1,330,973 Only residential storm water rates are shown above
Questions, please? 20 First Budget Work Session May 24th