What would make you believe in Life after death?
Reincarnation accounts Near Death experiences Claims of the supernatural How do these headings support that life after death exists ? Write out the headings & rate them 1-5 of how convincing they are to you. (5 = most convincing.) Need for justice to be done
You will allocated to groups. You will spend 10 minutes with each evidence pack Answer the questions about that evidence pack, on your table **Which evidence do you find most convincing? Why? Claims of different religions 1.What does each major religion say about life after death? 2.Do you think this is evidence that life after death must exist in some form (0-10)? Why? Existence of Supernatural Spirits 1.How does the Ouiji board story suggest that spirits exist? 2.What other explanations could there be for these events? 3.How convincing do you find the photos? Why? 4.How believable do you find the evidence of spirits & demonic possession (0-10)? Why? Reincarnation accounts 1.Summarise one of the accounts 2.Explain what makes it convincing 3.How do people try to explain away such accounts? 4.How convincing do you find this evidence (0-10) Why? Near Death Experiences 1.Summarise what happened in one of the experiences 2.What makes this account convincing? 3.How else could someone explain it? 4.How persuasive do you find these account (0-10)? Why? The Issue of Justice 1. Describe 2 of the worst injustices that have happened. 2. If you were a victim, how much a. expect there to be a God who would punish them? b. expect there to be an afterlife where they can enjoy happiness, in exchange for their suffering? 3. How strongly do you think this suggests that there must be an afterlife? (0-10) Explain why.
Reincarnation accounts Near Death experiences Claims of the supernatural Which one do you feel is most convincing and why ?
Ghost caught on film Watch the following clip carefully. Can you spot anything that shouldn’t be there?
Presentation Choose one issue you feel convinced by. Present your case: 1.Describe the issue, and some evidence for it 2.Explain as persuasively as you can, why this should convince someone there is life after death 3.Consider how someone could disagree – and respond to this challenge 4.Conclude your case -Voting: on how persuasive/ convincing your presentation has been.
“‘There is no convincing evidence that life after death exists.’ Against 1 However, some people say this is not convincing because... Against 2 However, some people say this is not convincing because... Against 3 However, some people say this is not convincing because... For 1 One piece of evidence that life after death exists is…This is convincing because.... For 2 Another piece of evidence that life after death exists is…This is convincing because.... is.. For 3 A third piece of evidence that life after death exists is…This is convincing because.... ON balance…which arguments are the most convincing? Why are they the most convincing…? Step 2 Step 4 Step 6 Step 3 Step 5 Step 7 Step 1
“‘There is no convincing evidence that life after death exists.’ Against 1 However, some people say this is not convincing because... Against 2 However, some people say this is not convincing because... Against 3 However, some people say this is not convincing because... For 1 One piece of evidence that life after death exists is…This is convincing because.... For 2 Another piece of evidence that life after death exists is…This is convincing because.... is.. For 3 A third piece of evidence that life after death exists is…This is convincing because.... ON balance…which arguments are the most convincing? Why are they the most convincing…? Step 2 Step 4 Step 6 Step 3 Step 5 Step 7 Step 1
‘There is no convincing evidence that life after death exists.’ Do you agree? Use 3 pieces of evidence For each, give arguments why they might not be true Evaluate: explain your final opinion, by weighing up the evidence for and against, and saying which you find most persuasive and why. Homework