Arizona Nutrition Network Program Operations Policy and Procedure FY 09 Training October 2008 Therese Neal, MSW
Staffing LIA’s responsibility to conduct nutrition education activities of good quality, accurate and relevant. Trained nutritional professionals are essential-MUST have access to at least one person qualified to be a “Nutrition Coordinator” may also have Nutritionists and/or Community Nutrition Worker. Fingerprint Clearance Cards- required for direct services to juveniles, developmentally disabled adults. (DPS) website at P.O. Policy 1.0
Message/Material Development Messages conveyed must be consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPyramid. Must be consistent with the goal and focus of SNAP-Ed Existing materials used and/or adopted whenever possible P.O. Policy 2.0
Message/Material Development Cont. Print materials must include all of the following: –Give credit to SNAP as funding source –Provide a brief outreach message –And disclaimer statement All materials must be sited in the work plan and approved by the Network nutritionist P.O. Policy 2.0
Disparaging Messages Must not convey negative written, visual, or verbal expressions about any specific foods, beverages, or commodities or food industry Media campaigns and media materials must be approved by the Network Nutrition Coordinators must review messages to ensure negative messages are not included in SNAP-Ed activities, classes, events or written materials. P.O. Policy 3.0
Toss UP Question!! Each LIA program is required to have a Registered Dietitian on staff. True or False?
Use of Logos and Names Requires that partners work with the Social Marketing Manager before using Arizona Nutrition Network logos or graphics. Partners that develop materials with money from the LIA Program must add the Network logo and disclaimer to materials. Change in FY 09 to the Network logo P.O. Policy 8.0
FY 08 Logo
FY 09 Logo
Nutrition Ed Tools-Ordering Written materials – All Partners may order through the Network Incentive and education reinforcement items- Only Contributing Partners may order Orders are placed through the Network Website and must be consistent with the LIA’s estimated reach LIA’s who are not current with invoices or monthly reports will not have orders approved. P.O. Policy 9.0
Nutrition Ed Tools-Reserving Costumes, games, and inflatables are available to Contributing Partners through the Network Partners are not responsible for cleaning but are expected to make efforts to prevent damage Costumes must always have escort/educator/safety guide Review Costume Guidelines at Only 1 costume, game or inflatable per event P.O. Policy 10.0
Photo Release Form All photographs to be used in materials, presentations, reports, or otherwise printed must have a “Photographic Release” form completed for all persons in the photograph. Release must be signed prior to photograph “Photographic Release” forms can be signed by all participants at the beginning of an event/class/activity. P.O. Policy 11.0
Toss up Question!! There are no restrictions for a Contributing Partner to order SNAP-Ed incentive and education reinforcement items. True or False
Amendments to Contracts Informal- request for transfer of less than 10% of total budget b/ funded line items Requires an request to the PDS and approval. Formal-Increase the approved Total Federal Share Budget. a.Release Local Share funds if needed for another program and decrease approved Total Federal Share Budget. b.Transfer dollars between line items exceeding 10% of the total budget. c.Transfer dollars from a funded line item to a non- funded line item. P.O. Policy 12.0
Amendments to Contracts Cont. –Must be received no later than May 1 st –Requires written explanation, include revised budget and work plan is needed –Must be approved by the Network and ADHS Procurement Amended contract must be signed and processed P.O. Policy 12.0
Program Site Visits New site visit protocol FY 09: 50% of LIA’s will receive a Fiscal Integrity Review visit, formal. 50% of LIA’s will receive a Technical Assistance visit, informal. 50% of LIA’s will receive a Partnership Development Specialist (PDS) visit, formal. 25% of LIA’s will receive a Education-Lesson Observation visit, formal. P.O. Policy 13.0
Program Site Visits Cont. Contributing Partner’s may receive more than one type of visit per year. Arranged in advance to plan for observations Partners will receive a Site Visit Report after Formal visits Partners will receive summary of items discussed after a technical assistance visit
Financial Review Audits The purpose of the review is to ensure program compliance. (OMB Circular A-133). Partners are responsible to maintain accurate and verifiable records to support all expenses claimed under the LIA award. Conducted by Network Auditor w/ at least 50% of partners –During the FY year or –within 5 years after the end of the contract P.O. Policy 14.0
Financial Review Audits Cont. The Auditor will send notification at least 1 month prior and send a brief questionnaire to expedite the review. The Auditor will complete an exit interview and follow up with a formal report w/in 2 months of the audit P.O. Policy 14.0
Equipment Inventory Network must approve all non-capital equipment and capital equipment purchased, regardless of cost Equipment costing less than $5,000 must be listed in the budget and included in contract and plan approved by the ADHS and USDA Equipment costing $5000 or more Partner must submit 2 letters of justification to ADHS. P.O. Policy 15.0
Equipment Inventory Cont. Letter must state: 1.Purpose of purchase 2.Price of equipment 3.Location where equipment is kept Once approved, ADHS will send a state tag to affix on equipment Partners must maintain an inventory of equipment P.O. Policy 15.0
Toss Up Question!! Each Contributing Partner can expect to have four site visits each year. True or False
Conclusion Policy Manual available on-line – Contact your Partnership Development Specialist with any questions Thank You