Ritual Assessment Prep Lesson Learning Objective: To evaluate whether rituals are a waste of time in preparation for our assessment.
Finish your ritual sheet... You have 10 minutes to use the information on your tables to complete your worksheet from last lesson. Make sure all the boxes are completed.
‘Religious rituals are a pointless waste of time.’ Do you agree? Half of the class are going to mind map reasons why religious rituals are a waste of time and half of the class are going to mind map reasons why they are not a waste of time. For example: Christmas is a waste of time because it has lost its meaning. Christmas is not a waste of time because it brings people together.
Make a PEE paragraph... Ritual: (e.g. Christmas) _____________________________________ P: (Why would some people say that Christmas is a waste of time?) E: (Give a specific example) E: (Explain your example) Using the information on your mind maps, you need to create a PEE paragraph ready to use next lesson in the assessment. We will do one as a class and then one individually.
Improve a Level 5 Answer Religious rituals are a waste of time because they take up too much time and some are practiced too regularly when they don’t need to be done so much. Not everyone does rituals so they could get left out if a ritual takes place. One ritual that I think is a waste of time is prayer because it has been going on for ages and it is boring as they do the same thing every time. It just seems like a waste of time. Rewrite this answer in pairs, you have 5 minutes. How would you improve this? Then swap your answer with another pair who will peer mark it. Have they made it into a level 6?