“The Two Nations” Sybil, or The Two Nations, 1845 England was “two nations between whom there is no intercourse and no sympathy; who are as ignorant of each other's habits, thoughts, and feelings, as if they were dwellers in different zones, or inhabitants of different planets: the rich and the poor”. Influenced by 1789 and by other uprisings. Conclusion: England ought to be one nation. Prevents discontent, unrest, and revolution.
“Reform to Preserve” Option 1: Social Change Remove some of the grosser injustices of society. Masses happier and grateful to the Conservatives. Avoids revolution. Difficult to persuade his party of the merits, but eventually managed.
Examples of Social Reform Largely thanks to Cross, social reform occurs. Artisans Dwellings Act, 1875 Public Health Act, 1875 Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1876 Education Act, 1876 Climbing Boys Act, 1876
Interesting Fact Disraeli’s method of approach to social change varied. Sometimes painted it as ‘one-upmanship’ against Gladstone Sometimes as ‘reform to preserve’ Sometimes as a heartfelt commitment Mainly depended on who he was addressing
Problems and Reaction Lack of inspiration from Disraeli – not his area Mainly developed or altered Liberal ideas Key difference – much legislation permissive Well received – “the Conservative party have done more for the working classes in five years than the Liberals have in fifty” – Alexander MacDonald
Foreign and Imperial Policy Option 2: Bring country together through imperial affairs Disraeli’s main interest Celebrate glory of Empire –Royal Titles Act –Suez Canal Crisis –11 Victoria Crosses at Rourke’s Drift Enhance British standing abroad –Eastern Crisis and Congress of Berlin
Problems and Reaction The stakes were higher – potential for disaster greater (Afghanistan, Isandhlwana) Necessarily had to rely on regional administrators, such as Sir Bartle Frere / Lord Chelmsford But potential for glory also greater Eastern Crisis (“Peace With Honour”) and Suez Canal Shares immensely popular Public preferred his approach to Gladstone’s
Summary “One Nation Conservatism” Social Reform Imperial / Foreign Glory
“One Nation Conservatism” Social Reform Imperial / Foreign Glory Social Reform Noblesse Oblige – Disraeli argued that nobility had a duty to help Permissive Legislation – so as to avoid accusations (levelled at the Liberals) that they interfered too much Reform to Conserve – Conservatives can hold on to most of their privileges if they surrender a few of them This will create a “Tory Democracy” where the Conservatives are the first choice of the working class
“One Nation Conservatism” Social Reform Imperial / Foreign Glory Echoes of Palmerston in an age when Britain is not unquestionably top nation Enhanced role for Britain hides more unpleasant factors of everyday life Public vote Tory as they associate it with international honour Good way to show real difference between Liberals and Tories
After Disraeli Dies in 1881 “Tory Democracy” not used as a phrase until 1884 by Randolph Churchill Also known as ‘villa Conservatism’ (Toryism for people who live in villas) Much more significant after Disraeli dies as working classes can vote Now the issue is “reform so as not to lose office” rather than “reform so as not to be killed”