Lab Equipment Introduction
Goggles & Apron SAFETY and PROTECTION!!!
Beaker Function: Provides an approximate measurement of a liquid’s volume in liters (L) or millimeters (mL). Task: What is the volume of the liquid in the beaker? What units are you using?
Graduated Cylinder Look closely Function: Measures the volume of liquid in mL The liquid is measured at the meniscus (curved surface of the water) Task: Read the volume of water in the graduated cylinder at the meniscus. Ask your partner if they agree.
Flask Function: Container for chemicals Measures volume Cylindrical neck allows liquids to be swirled Task: Practice swirling the liquid inside the flasks, be careful not to let any liquid spill out. Identify the type of flask.
Test Tube & Rubber Stopper Function: Holds liquid chemicals Glass or plastic tube with an open or stoppered end Task: Examine the test tube and stopper the end. Remember: NEVER point the test tube at anyone or allow it to roll off of the lab table and break!
Test Tube Brush and Rack Function: The brush is for proper cleaning of the test tubes The Rack securely holds the test tubes in place in an upright position Task: See how the brush fits in the test tube and stand a few tubes in a rack.
Test Tube Clamp Function: Holds the test tube Used when the test tube contains dangerous or hot chemicals Task: Practice picking up the test tube with the test tube clamp. Be very careful! DO NOT break the glass.
Petri Dish Function: Allows the growth and observation of organisms Looks like a clear shallow dish with a lid Can be plastic or glass Can be cleaned and re- used again Task: Examine the petri dish. Practice putting the lid on it.
Pipette Comes in different lengthsFunction: Transfers a small amount of liquid volume (drop by drop) by squeezing and releasing the bulb Task: Practice using the eyedropper by transferring 10 drops of liquid into the small beaker. Always put the eyedropper back into the glass bottle and screw the lid back on in order to prevent spills.
Culture Dish Function: A glass or plastic dish that biologists use to culture cells or hold specimens Task: Notice a culture dish and a beaker can serve similar functions Many sizes used
Forceps and Tongs Function: Both of these tools come in a variety of sizes and styles They are used for grasping things that require precision Task: Practice using them with small objects around the room
Hand Lens Or Magnifying LensFunction: Makes objects look bigger for observation Can be plastic or glass Task: Practice using the magnifying lens. Look at a few objects at your lab table. Be very carful: DO NOT break or scratch the glass.
Dropper Bottle and Funnel Function: Used to store and neatly dispense various liquids using the pipette or dropper Another tool to help transport from container to container Task: Use dropper to put 10 drops of water into another container Use the funnel to take one full bottle and fill a different one
Dissecting Equipment Function: Helps to cut, observe, transfer, and examine biological specimens. Includes: dissection needle, scissors, scalpel, forceps, T-pins and dissecting Pan Task: Examine the dissecting equipment. Be VERY careful when handling sharp objects!
Microscope Function: Uses objective lenses to magnify small objects for observation Magnifications can vary Task: Practice using the microscope by magnifying the piece of yarn. What magnification did you use?
Microscope Slide, Cover Slip, and Depression Slide Function: A microscope slide is a long thin piece of glass that specimens are placed on for study under a microscope A depression slide has a concavity in one surface over which a cover glass can be placed and that is used in biology for hanging-drop cultures Cover slips are small squares of glass that cover the specimen placed on the microscope slide Task: Place a single strand of hair on the slide, use water, and place a cover slip over it and view
Balance Mass, not Weight!Function: Measures the mass of an object Measurements are in grams Task: Find the mass of an object on your lab table. Ask your partner if they agree with your answer.
Hot Plate Function: Heats chemicals or other lab objects Powered by electricity, not fire Task: Examine the hot plate. Explain how the water in the beaker would get hot by using the hot plate. DO NOT turn the hot plate on.
Thermometer Hot or Cold Function: Measures temperature Measurements reported in degrees Celsius Task: Read the thermometer. What is the temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit? Ask you partner if they agree with your readings.
SAFETY for YOU and the Equipment! Broken Equipment Costs