The Life Of Carrie Marie Underwood Hailee Henderson Music 1010 Class
What age did Carrie Marie Underwood start singing? Where did her career start? How old was she when her career started What degree was she going into for college What small town city did Carrie Grow up in? Carries Career
Age 3 Fox American Idol 21 Degree in Broadcasting Journalism Checotah, OK Answers
Carries Audition with Judges
Carrie Winning American Idol Carrie Winning American Idol Kodak Theater, Hollywood CA
Prizes for Winning American Idol
What was Carries first hit song What was Carries first album title What were also some of Carries first hits First Times for Carrie
Carries First Cd
2 nd Album Carnival Ride
Winning Awards
Latest Cd- Blown Away
Composition History
Good Girl
Blown Away
Temporary Home
Mama’s Song
Listening Guides
Good Girl Intro- Plays the same beat twice. The second time it plays clapping and you can hear the 3/3 beat Same Melody Chorus Song slows down after finish off the chorus verse chorus starts again verse when doing the words she does runs with the notes and she does the same run with each note.
Temporary Home Intro- Just Music First Verse Chorus Second Verse- A lot of harmony in this song. You can hear 2 voices singing but singing different notes. You can still that that it is Carries Voice Chorus her voice is loader in tone. When sing chorus this time. Melody changed a little bit form the last one Third verse starts out the same melody as the other two main voices changes on the last line. Music slows down because song is coming to an end Closing Verse- Music is getting louder in volume. It repeats all the same melody’s watch?v=LraOiHUltak watch?v=LraOiHUltak
Mama’s Song Music Only First Verse- Same tune 1 st couple lines to second set Melody Changes Chorus Chorus Closing Verse ?v=bpFW4Yhy08k ?v=bpFW4Yhy08k
Blown Away Intro no Singing. Melody Repeats twice O Melody repeats on the first 2 lines of the song music gradually starts to build up the same tempo is going in the music the whole song Chorus Main melody is played thru the song repeat of chorus blown away is sung in so many melodies to close the song. atch?v=pJgoHgpsb9I atch?v=pJgoHgpsb9I
Works Cited
The End