Developing an Effective Evaluation to Check for Understanding Part 2 Susan E. Schultz, Ph.D. Evaluation Consultant PARK Teachers
Overview Part 1: Components of Program Development Part 2: Goals and Types of Evaluation Part 3: Creating an Effective Evaluation Plan Developing an Effective Evaluation Plan
PARK Teachers PART 2: Goals and Types of Evaluation
PARK Teachers Check for Understanding Task 2: Defining Evaluation Part 1: Take a moment and write down your definition of the term evaluation (5 minutes). Please keep a copy of your definition in your notebook as we will return to it later in the workshop. Part 2: In small groups, share each person’s definition and discuss similarities and differences (15 minutes). Part 3: On a piece of poster paper, write down a group definition of evaluation and be prepared to share with the whole group (10 minutes).
PARK Teachers Check for Understanding Task 2: Debrief Discussion Goals of Evaluation Type of Evaluation Assessment Instruments
PARK Teachers Check for Understanding Task 2: Debrief Discussion Goals of Evaluation Identifies learner’s prior knowledge or experiences Determines the gap between learner’s current content knowledge or skill level and the program goals Guides Program Improvement or Revision Provides Instructional Feedback to Program Educators Monitors Program Impacts or Effectiveness Accountability to Organization/Foundations/Financial Supporters Types of Evaluation Formative Summative Assessment Instruments Surveys or Questionnaires Content and Performance-based Tests Concept Maps Interviews
PARK Teachers Goals of Evaluation Identify learner’s prior knowledge: –Gather information on the participants’ previous experiences and/or content exposure –Enables you to identify relevant connections to teach your program –Helps to determine possible program impacts on the learner Determine the gap between the participant’s current content knowledge or skill level and the program goals: –Scaffold the program to help participants get from their current knowledge to meet goals of program –Modify the instruction and/ or program to help learners narrow the gap
PARK Teachers Goals of Evaluation Guides Program Improvement –Provides valuable information to revise program components based on participants’ feedback and/or performance on evaluation instruments Provides Instructional Feedback to Program Educators –Enables educators to identify relevant connections to teach the program –Improves program educators instructional practices –Enables program educators to modify the instruction to meet the needs of the participants
PARK Teachers Goals of Evaluation Monitors Program Impacts or Effectiveness –Measures potential changes in participants’ interest, attitudes, content knowledge, and skill levels –Provides evidence of the program’s impact on the participants and can be used as a measure of effectiveness Accountability to Organization/Funding Sources –Provides valuable follow-up information –Results in additional funding to continue the program –Holds program developers accountable for creating and implementing a high quality program
PARK Teachers Types of Evaluation Formative –Tasks or activities embedded throughout the program to provide feedback on the participants’ understanding and performance of the program goals –Guides educators to determine the gap between participants’ current content and/or skill level and the program goals –Helps educators to meet the needs of individual participants –Provides continuous feedback to the program team to revise program components
PARK Teachers Types of Evaluation Summative –Task or culminating activity administered at the end of a program to measure changes in participants’ interests, attitudes, content knowledge, and/or skill level (post assessment). –Provides valuable information on program impacts for accountability purposes