Understanding Special Education Services
Understanding Special Education Services November 10, 2015 Parent Education Training FBISD Special Education Department
Legal guidelines NCLB (This is about to be reauthorized in Congress.. Stay tuned) IDEA 2004 IDEA Regulations State Laws and Regulations Local Policy and Administrative Guidelines Case Law
Case Law Federal Case Decisions (Supreme Court and 5th Circuit) Due Process Hearings in Texas Other Important Due Process avenues– TEA Complaints, TEA Mediation
Federal Accountability - AYP NCLB Major Goals All students will reach high standards (minimum proficiency) by 2013-2014 All limited English proficient students will become skilled in English By 2005-06 all students taught by HQ teachers All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe and drug free All students will graduate from high school Federal Accountability - AYP
IDEIA 2004 Congress made it clear that students with disabilities are expected to reach the same academic goals and meet the same academic standards as their age-appropriate, non-disabled peers
IDEIA 2004 Purpose – To ensure that ALL children with disabilities have available to them a free and appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for FURTHER education, employment and independent living.
IDEIA 2004 Ensures procedural safeguards (follow the rules or procedures) Timelines ARD attendance Notices (5 day prior to ARD) IEP goals Services provided per ARD More
Research Based Instruction IDEIA 2004 Ensures a FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education) So what does FAPE mean…. – (targeted high quality instruction, monitoring of student progress, student making progress) Progress Research Based Instruction
Special Education Services Condition – Must meet 1 of 13 Disability Conditions as determined by a full individual evaluation Eligibility is established by ARD Committee – Must have a one of the 13 conditions AND Require “Specialized Designed Instruction”
Disability Categories Auditory Impairment Visual Impairment Speech Impairment Learning Disability Intellectual Disability Orthopedic Impairment Other Health Impairment Autism Traumatic Brain Injury Emotional Disturbance Multiple Disabilities Deaf/Blind Non-Categorical Early Childhood
ARD Committee LPAC rep (if child is LEP) CTE rep (if child is currently in CTE classes or the ARD committee will discuss potential CTE courses) Required Members: Parent/Guardian Administrator General Ed Teacher Special Ed Teacher Evaluation specialist who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results (Diag/LSSP/SLP, etc.)
8 Components of the IEP Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFPs) Measurable Annual Goals Least Restrictive Environment Consideration Accommodations, Modifications and Services
8 Components of the IEP Cont. Frequency, Duration, and Location of Services Transition Services Reporting Progress Participation in State and District Assessment
Specially Designed Instruction Adapting, as appropriate to the needs of a child, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction – To address the unique needs of the child that result from the child’s disability; and To ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so that he or she can meet the educational standards which apply to all children.
Specially Designed Instruction The development of an appropriate IEP Standards Based IEP Goals The Implementation of the IEP Delivery of Instruction based on a continuum of services Co-teach/In-Class Support services in the General Education Setting Resource, District Wide Programs, etc. (occurs in a special education setting with special education teacher and only students who are eligible for special education services)
Individualized Education Program May Include: Academic and Functional IEP Goals/Objectives Behavior IEPs Accommodations/Modifications Related Services
Academic IEPS Goals/Objectives Developed collaboratively in ARD meeting (or prior to meeting in Draft form) State the specific objectives (benchmarks) and annual goal Student’s academic grades align with making progress on objectives and goals Student should master the IEP goal(s) or make meaningful progress toward mastery on an annual basis Must be “reasonably calculated to enable the student to receive educational benefit” IEPs must be implemented by special and general education staff members
Behavior IEP/Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) IDEA 2004 emphasis on “positive behavioral interventions” for students with behavioral difficulties ARD Committee must explore strategies and positive supports to address any behavior that is impeding the learning of the student or his/her peers Behavior IEPs/BIP must be followed by general and special education staff
Accommodations and Modifications Modifications are changes to the instructional strategies, instructional materials, curricular content and assessment practices (even though you may change the content you may not change the state standards (TEKS) Accommodations are changes to the WAY students access instruction and demonstrate performance.
Related Services Must have an Evaluation to determine need and then ARD committee determines the frequency and setting for the services Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Counseling Music Therapy Special Transportation
How to determine appropriate Assessment? Full Individual Evaluation (FIE) and Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance Development of IEPs Selection of appropriate Assessment and Placement during ARD
Continuum of educational placements in a LRE General Ed class (external support) Gen Ed with modifications (external support or in-class support) Co-teach (support facilitation) Resource (specialized support) Self Contained (specialized support) Day School 24 hour Residential Home Least Restrictive Always start with Least Restrictive Most Restrictive
A Review of Texas State Assessment
Special Education Assessments for 15-16 STAAR (with or without accommodations) STAAR Accommodated STAAR Alternative 2 STAAR L
FBISD Special Education Leadership Team Deena Hill, Executive Director Michelle LeBleu, Director Nicole Roberts, Assistant Director, Christina Ritter, Assistant Director Tresha Hattar, Program Specialist (High School – LIFE Skills, FLITE, 18+) Dominion Southall, Program Coordinator– ABC, PPCD Caroline Faison, Program Coordinator, LIFE skills, Flite K-8
Campus Special Education Support staff Diagnostician Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP) Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) CCC (at elementary level Department Head (at secondary)