kpm Most of the children in your class travel by Autorickshaw to reach school
kpm We live in the mountains. The paths are rocky and uneven. we can easily walk on these paths
kpm Children cross the jungles
Children cross the jungles
kpm Bamboo bridge
kpm Bamboo bridge
Bamboo bridge It rains so much where we live. Some times after the ran, there is knee high water everywhere. But that does not stop us from getting to school. We hold our books in one hand and bamboo with the other. We quickly cross the bamboo and rope bridge to reach school
Vallam: In some parts of Kerala, we use a vallam (small wooden boat) to reach school.
We go to school through miles of snow. We hold hands and walk carefully.
kpm Bridge made out of cement, bricks and iron rods
kpm Bridge made out of cement, bricks and iron rods
kpm Bridge made out of cement, bricks and iron rods
kpm Railway bridge
kpm Bridge made out of cement, bricks and iron rods
kpm School children with model bridges
kpm You also try to make a bridge model using ice cream sticks. OK!
Thanks All pictures copied from web sites. I thank all the persons for good the images