Bridget Fitzpatrick Patrick Dempsey Heather Garber Keith Hout Jong Soo Mok Aerodynamics Preliminary Design Review #2 October 23, 2000
Objectives -Three View Drawing Update -Coefficient of Lift -Methods Update: Warner and Roskam -Drag Polar -Lift to Drag Curve -Endurance Parameter -CMARC Update -Aerodynamic Effectiveness of the Control Surfaces -Stability Derivatives
Aircraft Geometry – 3-View SID5
MethodClmax Warner1.25 Roskam1.48 Average D1.53 Coefficient of Lift
Aerodynamic Mathematical Model WARNER
Aerodynamic mathematical model Roskam 3-D Coefficient of Lift
Aerodynamic mathematical model Roskam 3-D Coefficient of Lift
Aerodynamic mathematical model Roskam 3-D Coefficient of Lift Slope
Aerodynamic mathematical model Roskam 3-D Coefficient of Drag
3-D Drag Polar Optimum CL~1
Lift to Drag Ratio
Endurance Parameter:
Flight Conditions for maximum endurance L/D max:7.2 Velocity: 20.52ft/s Angle of Attack: 8.37 degrees CL: 1.03 CD: 0.16
Coefficient of Moment
Coefficient of Moment Calculations Equations taken from Mark Peters thesis
Coefficient of Moment Calculations Equations taken from Mark Peters thesis
Aircraft Geometry -SM: the static margin was set at 0.18
Aircraft Geometry Aircraft wetted Area59.5 ft 2 Wing38.7 ft 2 Struts0.83 ft 2 Tails9.01 ft 2 Landing gear ft 2 Aspect ratio of wing4.4
Control Surfaces Raymer’s Suggestions Orion Aerospace Ailerons15-25% chord15% chord full span Elevator25-50% chord40% chord full span Rudder25-50% chord40% chord full span
Aerodynamic Effectiveness of the control surfaces Rudder Effectiveness: 60% Elevator Effectiveness: 60% Aileron Effectiveness: 30% Effectiveness determined from Roskam’s Flight Dynamics and Controls
Stability Derivatives -Theoretical Method: This was presented on Tuesday. -Will be compared to CMARC CMARC needs: -working wake -will use to verify theoretical derivatives
Aerodynamic coefficients CL CL wing CLo.5242 Cm Cmo Cm CDo.0427