Statewide Special Education Task Force Recommendations and Phase 2 Mildred Browne and Maureen O ’ Leary Burness Association of California School Administrators 1/15/2016
Thanks to: Dr. Michael Kirst and Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond Commissioners: Matt Navo, Gina Plate, Mildred Browne, Sarah Jocham, Barbara Schulman, and student, Hyla Rachwal Dr. Carl Cohn, Chairperson the Foundations that supported the work: Schwab, Packard, Kabcenell, and Stuart and SO many others!!! (34 Task Force members, and many liaisons)
Subcommittees and Sections Early Learning Evidence-Based Practices Assessment and Accountability Educator Preparation and Professional Learning Finance Family and Student Engagement
Big Picture Issues The need for one unified, coherent system of supports for all students The need for all educators to be prepared to work effectively with all students And “ all ” does mean “ all ” !
Barriers Identified Inequities across the State in availability of services Different educator preparation standards “ Siloed ” systems of service and between agencies
Recommendations Developed by Task Force of 34 Members (including 1/3 parents) and Leadership Team Included input from six hearings around the state Heard from more than 200 witnesses Received more than 500 communications Met six additional times as a full group to formulate recommendations.
Early Learning 1. Improve access to and coordination of high- quality early care and preschool for all. 2. Update funding formulas to provide equitable and increased financial support. 3. Develop and disseminate family-friendly protocols for transitions from Part C to Part B.
Early Learning 4. Require all providers to use evidence-based, developmentally-appropriate program standards. 5. Adopt and utilize across agencies common assessments that inform instruction. 6. Clarify competencies that are part of all early educator preparation programs and ongoing Professional Learning (PL).
Evidence-Based Practices 1. Ensure Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is understood, established as a key area for PL, and implemented in all schools. 2. Ensure a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is developed statewide, supporting Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI2), for academic, behavioral, socio-emotional learning. 3. Ensure system-wide socio-emotional supports.
Evidence-Based Practices 4. Ensure general education resources are used as early as possible. 5. Ensure needed support for technology in implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), related assessments, and with Assistive Technology (AT) where needed. 6. Ensure Students with Disabilities (SWDs) have access to comprehensive and effective transition services and programs.
Educator Preparation and Professional Learning 1. Ensure teacher preparation programs prepare teachers in: UDL, MTSS, RtI2, positive behavioral interventions and supports, use of data, reading instruction, linguistic needs of English Language Learners (ELLs), digital literacy and instructional technology, and cultural and linguistic competency and responsiveness.
Educator Preparation and Professional Learning 2. Ensure all new special education teachers are authorized to instruct both in general education and in special education. 3. Ensure preparation in Special Education provides in-depth understanding of, and strategies for: academics, behavior, and physical and health care needs.
Educator Preparation and Professional Learning 4. Ensure special educators are trained in AT and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), as well as in how to support transitions for students and their families. 5. Ensure Paraprofessionals and Instructional Assistants are well-trained, and are able to be part of a career pathway to become a special education teacher.
Educator Preparation and Professional Learning 6. Ensure professional learning for all educators is extensive, coordinated, and aligned with CCSS and Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) goals. 7. Ensure professional learning for all educators is purposefully integrated.
Educator Preparation and Professional Learning 8. Provide incentive grants for Educator Preparation programs that combine general education and special education preparation. 9. Provide scholarships and forgivable loans to teachers-in-training in special education who will commit to at least 3 years in the classroom.
Assessment 1. Ensure Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals are aligned with CCSS. 2. Ensure parents are kept informed of issues related to statewide testing: e.g., changes in standards, implications for IEPs, support. 3. Ensure there is an adopted alternate to the California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) which is directly and rigorously aligned to CCSS.
Assessment 4. Ensure teachers and schools are accountable for progress of all students, including students with the most significant disabilities. 5. Disseminate samples of standards-aligned IEPs, with comprehensive training on how to adapt and use CCS standards in IEP meetings.
Assessment 6. Ensure that Smarter Balance Assessments, including “ Designated Supports ” and “ Accommodations ”, are reviewed for effectiveness and accessibility. 7. Create a common data-gathering system to record and report on student goals, monitor progress, and evaluate implementation of above.
Accountability 1. Create a consolidated and integrated Special Education data system to identify and eliminate duplicate reporting, especially regarding suspension/expulsions, and outcomes. (e.g., CALPADS and CASEMIS)
Accountability 2. Create an outcomes-based accountability framework mirrored to state and federal policy to evaluate compliance and performance of schools, e.g., using the LCAP to meet the Results Driven Accountability (RDA) framework.
Accountability 3. Integrate and coordinate state and federal monitoring, data collection, and Technical Assistance, to ensure interagency implementation.
Family and Student Engagement 1. Fully fund Family Empowerment Centers (FECs) for equitable accessibility. 2. Increase funding to Family Resource Centers (FRCs) to allow for same. 3. Establish a data collection and monitoring system for FECs and FRCs.
Family and Student Engagement 4. Create guidelines for teacher-parent-school collaboration and interaction. 5. Create guidelines and reinforcement for student involvement and student-led IEPs. 6. Coordinate systems of cross-agency and community-based trainings to support collaborative, effective and efficient services.
Finance 1. Equalize the state ’ s support for Special Education by overhauling SpEd financing and holding Local Education Agencies (LEAs) accountable for meeting SWD ’ s needs, as in the Local Control Accountability Plans. 2. Ensure the availability of early intervention programs and services, and address the disparity of them between Education and Child Care agencies and programs.
Finance 3. Equalize SELPA funding by increasing the rate/Average Daily Attendance to more equal rates across the state. 4. Revise the SpEd funding formula to address growth and decline/LEA vs. by SELPA total. 5. Secure the integrity of current SpEd funding by maintaining support to: necessary small SELPAs, educationally-related mental health services, and out-of-home care services.
Finance 6. Update electronic Special Education fiscal data systems. 7. Use the federal definition of “ Low Incidence (LI) disabilities ” and increase the funding for LI. 8. Equalize funding both for Workability programs, Special Education Transportation, Facilities, and to implement Alternative Dispute Resolution across the state.
Federal issues Work to increase the federal share of the excess costs of serving SWDs to 40%. Determine how to break down barriers that prevent education entities from making the most of Medi-Cal and Medicaid services and reimbursements. Support teacher training with scholarships and loan forgiveness Allow for SpEd student scholarships for college
Phase 2: Implementation Ongoing: Report out recommendations statewide. We have presented ideas and recommendations to the Department of Ed, to the State Board, and to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, asking: Appoint responsible implementers? Establish Work Groups? Propose legislation? Work with the Governor’s office and legislature?
Phase 2 Continued Present to education organizations and interested parties Work with the CA legislature, Department of Finance and Legislative Analyst Office Coordinate with CDE, State Board, CTC Work with the Advisory Commission on Special Education (ACSE)
Phase 2 Continued Work with education advocacy organizations: ACSA - Association of California School Administrators, CSBA - California School Boards Association, State SELPA Administrators, CCSESA, CTA, AFT, NEA, CSEA, California Charter School Association, everyone with a stake in improvement!
Progress Report Early Learning: received $30 million for Infant Program expansion in the state budget; Received an additional 2500 slots for state preschools to support integration opportunities Kevin McCarty intends to propose further legislation to expand preschool and Early Learning recommendations
Progress Report Evidence-Based Practices: $10 million has been allocated to CDE to distribute to one or two COEs to support TA in the state for MTSS implementation, through an RFP scheduled to have been released in December, due February 2016
Progress Report Educator Preparation and Professional Learning: CCTC has continued a subsequent Work Group to develop new requirements for IHEs for teacher preparation in both general and special education, and has held 6 hearings around the state on possible changes. See CTC website This is being done in coordination with the CEEDAR (Coordination for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform) Center
Progress Report Assessment and Accountability: CDE and the State Board have continued work on ensuring the Smarter Balance Assessments work for all students, e.g., with accommodations; the State Board continues to support the implementation of an alternate assessment to replace the CAPA
Fiscal Alternative Dispute Resolution funds were expanded to be available to all SELPAs Ability to receive MediCal reimbursements was expanded for LEAs Official letter of request was sent from Tom Torlakson and Mike Kirst to Congress for full funding of IDEA through HR551, hand- delivered to every California Congressman
Progress report Student Engagement: the latest issue of the SpecialEdge has an update to the field on self- determination and student-led IEPs Family Engagement: legislative language included parents and families
Other Tom Torlakson released his Blueprint 2.0 to include work towards reducing silos and supporting all students CDE supports UDL, WOIA/transitions, IEP goals aligned to CCSS, LRE through a new Inclusion Collaborative The ACSE has developed a rubric for helping its advisory bodies ensure SWDs are included in all reform and legislative efforts (SBE,March)
Other Senator Pan (D- Sacramento) has initiated a Senate Select Committee on Special Needs populations to address what can be done legislatively to support individuals with disabilities. The first hearing was held December 1st. More to come!
Next steps? Questions? Clarifications? Discussion - what does this mean to you/ACSA? What can YOU do to help support implementation? Thank you! and good luck in all you do for children!