What’s Needed for this Session Handouts: 1.Performance Task s 2.Task writing template
By the end of this session, teachers will… Solve a Smarter-Balanced Performance Task Understand the difference between Performance tasks and other tasks Collaborate with their team to create a Performance task
Performance Tasks (PT) With a partner, Solve the Performance Task
Key Features of Performance-Based Tasks Reflect a real-world task and/or scenario-based problem Requires application of mathematical concepts and assess related Common Core content Standards (not just one) Require students to engage in 1 or more Standards for Mathematical Practice Allow for multiple approaches Take time to solve (one or more class periods).
Performance-Based Tasks Require Low Cognitive Demand (Easy) High Cognitive Demand (Complex) Reciting facts or knowledgeOpen tasks- can be started and explored in multiple ways 1-step computational tasksMulti-step tasks that require students to choose the steps and carry them out Questions that require selecting a correct answer based on a definition or a simple computation Tasks that require students to justify or explain why they used a specific strategy and/or why their strategy works.
Ideal Performance Tasks... NOT On a recent car trip we looked for license plates that had 3 digits on them. Show all of the license plates that we could find that had numbers that added up to 6. Explain all of your work using pictures, words and numbers.
Ideal Performance Tasks... NOT
Performance tasks provide students opportunities to not only demonstrate proficiency with content, but to communicate their understanding as well.
Let's Try! Choose a partner or small group Write a Performance Task that:(see handout/table for guidelines on writing a Performance task with your group)
Name of Task: Grade Level: BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND: What will we learn about the students’ content understanding from this task? Overview: General description of what the task entails (what is the context of the text) Common Core Standards assessed through this task: (choose 3-5 standards at your grade level that can be clearly assessed through this task.) Use the space below to outline your task. Keep the following in mind… Does this task… - reflect a real-world task/scenario -based problem? -require application of Common Core Standards -allow for multiple approaches? - take more than one class period to solve? -Require a high level of cognitive demand?
Share Tasks
Closure These assessment types are COMING Turn and Talk: What will you do differently this year to help students prepare?
Next Generation Assessments Require students to solve complex tasks Are our students ready? Are we?
Want to Know More? oducts/NextGeneration/roadmap.htm