Topic: Portrayal of Women in Men’s Magazines by: Anna Townsend
Content Analysis: Ad product # of women # of men Appearance of men – Facial hair? – Scruffy? – Clean Shaven? – Rugged? – Wearing leather, jean, or suit? – Shirtless? Copy Gaze Appearance of women (hair color, pout or smile, seductive?) Section of body shown Showy clothing? Woman sexualized? Wearing heels? Soft porn-like Setting Outdoor? Desolate Modern aesthetic Mise-en-scene Animals? Activity/sport Aimed audience Age Social class Interaction Gender ambiguity? Color/lighting, camera tech, editing
Goal By examining the aimed audience of each magazine in terms of characteristics like class, age, and interest, we can find out more about the kind of woman these males view as ideal.
Conclusion GQ Men: a young, metro (sometimes homophobic), urban business class or wealthy/wealth aspirant male. – Type of ads: men’s fragrance, watches, cars, credit card companies, and designer clothing (Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Prada) – Type of woman: conservative with modern edge, sly seductive, shows some skin every once in awhile Vibe Men: young, mostly black, wealthy and wealth aspirants who like their music artists and sports. Some ads directed at women also. – Type of ads: alcohol, cars, concert promotions, album releases, some clothing (Rocawear, Russell Simmons) – Type of women: not enough female presence to determine but Beyonce, Queen Latifah and black recording artist Melanie Fiona appear in ads.
Conclusion Maxim Men: young, varies in class, typical white manly man. – Type of ads: chewing tobacco/ cigarettes, alcohol, personal lubricant, condoms, male enhancement, cars, watches, fragrances, body wash, razors, anything advertised by a female model, some sports and power tools. – Type of women: thin models with certain assets, lacking clothes, seductive looks, long wavy hair Men’s Health Men: most all ages (maybe 20s-50s); lower middle-upper class; black or white; the health aware manly man who has, or aspires to have a nice body; sports fans. Type of ads: nutrition and protein shakes, health/diet cookbooks, athletic gear (nike, champion, Reebok, new balance), cars, watches, fragrance, medicine, some watches and vacation destinations. Type of women: few ads with females but appears to be a mix between maxim and GQ; also athletic women.