Welcome to Kleb Football Certain materials in this presentation are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use.
7 th grade staff John Perry- 7 th Grade Offensive Line and Defensive Line Gregg Blanchard-7 th grade offensive receivers & defensive secondary Dexter Miller-7 th grade offensive backs & defensive linebackers
8 th grade staff David Huber-Campus Athletic Coordinator & head football coach-8 th grade receivers & linebackers Blake Davis-8 th grade offensive backs & defensive secondary Bill Petko-8 th grade offensive & defensive line
Sportsmanship Officials Opposing team Your child Other team members Character, Attitude, Responsibility, Ethics (CARE) Code of Conduct
Jersey Mike’s will supply game day box lunches for the athletes this year.
How Can You Get or Send Information? Phone Coach’s web page (the best source) Rank One website
Rank One website
Physicals & Concussion Acknowledgement Form Must: 1.Use our form 2.Be current (within last year) 3.Include 5 parent signatures next to 4.Include 4 student signatures next to
Kleb Football
Insurance Monarch Insurance Company is the new KISD provider. Please refer to handout that went home first day of school.
Insurance FAQs Is my child already covered? KISD has a policy on every athlete in the program with a $500 deductible
Insurance FAQS Will the $ deductible be applied even if the parent’s insurance pays part of the bill? Yes, unless the parent purchases the voluntary student insurance
Insurance FAQs Does the parent’s insurance pay first? Yes, the KISD policy is a secondary policy
Insurance FAQs What if the parents have no other insurance? The district policy will pay as the primary, minus the $ deductible
Insurance FAQS If the voluntary student insurance is purchased, will this affect the deductible? Yes, this will normally cover most of the deductible
Insurance FAQS Are there other advantages in purchasing the school insurance? Yes, it will also cover other activities and the 24 hour coverage will cover at home and in the summer
To File a Claim 1.Submit claim form within 90 days of accident 2.Begin treatment within 90 days of accident 3.Submit 1 claim form per accident 4.Submit charges to primary insurance carrier first
Injuries Report to coach immediately Klein trainer is available At games the school nurse, a trainer, or EMS is on duty Coach will fill out a first report of injury A doctors note MUST have a return to participate date on the note or the student will have to have a follow up note from the doctor. In order to re-hab with the Klein High trainer the note must say that.
Sports Medicine KISD has an exclusive contract for the next 5 years with the Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Willowbrook. For appointments call Exclusive provider for the Texans, Astros, Dynamo, & Rice.
Calendar Please pick one up & refer to it for game times, sites, & practice times Please pick up your child at the designated times
Locker room Each athlete is issued a lock and locker. It is their responsibility to secure all belongs. They need to check and double check to make sure their lock is secured and all belongings are put in the locker. Kleb students and Kleb staff are the only people allowed in the locker room.
Security Please write the athletes name is all equipment that is purchased by the athlete. ( shoes, helmet, athletic uniform). Secure all electronics and if that electronic could have a tracking device might be a good idea to track it for security reasons. Keep locked up!
Equipment KISD provides all equip- ment except shoes. May use personal shoulder pads, helmets, & shoes if approved by coach Helmet must be plain white
Uniform’s It is the athlete’s responsibility to bring his uniform to school. No sharing of uniforms, during season or during class. This is how Staph is transmitted.
Uniforms (continued) Every Friday or when the uniform is soiled, the student should bring his uniform home to be washed. This is an excellent time to teach your son how to use the washer and dryer. My parents did not wash my clothes so I can not dress out is not excusable and playing time could be affected.
Practices Will end on time (see calendar) Please the players coach if they will not be at practice. Water breaks are scheduled Discuss hydration & nutrition with your child
You need 8 glasses per day min! Plain water, milk, and juice are best sources. Fruits & veggies give you water too! Caffeine causes you to lose water through increased urination No coffee, less tea, and less sodas!
Nutrition ABC’s for Good Health Aim for Fitness- Daily physical activity Build a Healthy Base- Good food choices and breakfast is a must. Choose Sensibly- Appropriate beverages (water, Gatorade) and healthy foods.
Teams 7 th Grade Gold, Blue, White 8 th Grade Gold, Blue, White Teams are divided generally by ability level, with Gold being the higher level
Transportation: All will ride bus to & from games. On away games the 7 th grade white (C) team will return to school immediately after the C game. The B-Team will stay and watch the A- Team. You may sign your child out & leave after game. The 8th C & B teams will return after the A game unless you sign them out after game. You can only sign out your child.
No Pass-No Play Any F’s on report card results in student becoming ineligible Remains ineligible for 3 weeks May regain eligibility by passing all courses at progress report time
Discipline ISS – May not play or practice on day assigned. Missed practices can diminish playing time. Unexcused absences requires additional work after practice. Continued discipline problems can result in removal from team. Parent will be called first.
Parent volunteers 3-For chain crew 2-Announcer & spotter 1-Clock keeper 1-Camcorder operator
Closing Any questions? Inform staff when your child must miss practice. Prefer s. Monitor your child’s grades. Keep schedule handy. Check web site for game day changes, canceled practices, etc.
Reminders: Pick up any forms needed. Turn in any forms you have. Sign up for volunteers. Come out and support your Bearcubs. Thank you for your attendance!