Personal tutoring Sue Smith, Centre for Learning and Teaching Leeds Beckett University
This workshop will…. Raise your awareness/remind you about the personal tutor framework Outline the support available from Services to Students Signpost you to the resources available
What is a personal tutor ? a member of academic staff who offers a student academic and/ or pastoral support throughout the student’s course
What the students want Regular, scheduled meetings A PT who takes an active role throughout their degree A PT who is accessible, approachable and reliable A PT who is enthusiastic and cares about them They want to be “known, ‘tracked’ and supported” throughout
Why be a personal tutor? Making good use of a personal tutor will improve students’ chances of getting the degree they deserve (And their level of satisfaction with their experience) Staff satisfaction too!
Why? part of our course development principles works with the Student Charter/Leeds Beckett Charter part of Customer Service excellence- part of improving a student’s satisfaction and experience Builds a staff/student relationship
Key issues for staff about the framework Ring fenced deployment Part time and full time students treated the same All academic teaching staff are expected to be personal tutors but…. Staff new to HE- not a personal tutor until they have been here for one academic cycle Staff new to University but not to HE -can be personal tutors from day 1 2 individual meetings per year First years and new starters to be seen in first four weeks Monitored through course enhancement and Faculty quality meetings Staff initiate the meetings A Student engagement management
If your personal tutor had this on their door how would it make you feel?
Door notice Welcoming tone Availability slots – , sign up sheet Full contact details Response time No problem too small If urgent, please contact….
Your personal tutor … Is a key point of contact Will invite you to meet them individually, once each semester in every year of your course Will listen, advise and guide you with academic and personal issues Will signpost you to other services if they can’t help Will aim to follow you through the entire duration of your course Will speak to your course or module leader or student liaison officer with your permission, if there are issues of concern May write your job references and help provide evidence for mitigation if you need it Will keep any confidential information, with your permission, stored securely in your student file
What should you, the student, do? Know who your tutor is and how to contact them Come prepared for meetings with questions and issues relating to your learning experience, your future career Be prepared, during or after your meeting with your personal tutor, to draft action points to reach agreed objectives Let the tutor know if you can’t attend
What might you and your personal tutor talk about? At every level – study skills, career planning, your learning, preparing for the next level, goal setting, career aspirations, and review and feedback on your results At Level 4- getting used to University, option modules, Student Hub, professional development, At Level 5- preparing for placements/year abroad and projects/dissertations At Level 6- interview and applications, signposting to Careers staff, postgraduate options
In addition…. If you are a new first year or a new starter you will be invited to an individual meeting by the end of the first four weeks after you begin your studies You will be expected to take more responsibility for arranging your meetings as you move through your course/insert the name of your course You can ask to change your personal tutor in exceptional circumstances You should let your tutor know if you can’t attend a meeting
SEMS Our student engagement management system Access results, VLE tracking, contact details, disability status in one place.
Services for Students
The Teams: via the Hub from September 2012 Services for International students Disability, Dyslexia and Assessment Centre Student Employability and Progression Centre Student Wellbeing Centre (formerly Counselling and Chaplaincy) Student Money and Advice Centre
What now? Access the resources Read the framework and the level ideas Make individual appointments for new students within 4 weeks of them starting at the University Think about your door notice! If you are a course leader, adapt the slides, talk and link up students to personal tutors at induction Run a session in your course team and look at the case studies on the resources page Think about setting up a parallel buddy system for your students