are the reproductive organs of plants. They have male parts and female parts.
The anther is located at the top, where pollen is produced. It’s a microscopic powder made up of small grains
It’s a stigma, which receives the pollen, the style and the ovary. (contains ovules- become seeds) Stament and pistil are protected by corolla and calyx Corolla Calyx
It’s the transfer of pollen from the stament to the ovary.
Insect pollinationWind pollination Insects are attracted by aromatic flowers. The pollen grains stick to the insect Unattractive flowers. The wind blows this pollen to the stigmas of other flowers
Tubers Rhizomes Stolons Cuttings Grafting They are useful in agriculture
Petal /Corolla Ovary Stigma Anther Style Receptacle