Product Stewardship: Driving Markets Through Public/Private Partnership
CalRecycle will … “Seek statutory authority to foster cradle-to-cradle producer responsibility.” “Develop relationships with stakeholders that result in producer-financed and producer-managed systems” Strategic Directive 5 February 2007 Funded by a grant from the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) * Formerly the California Integrated Waste Management Board *
Public Resources Code The Legislature further finds and declares that the health, safety, and welfare of the people of California depend upon the development, stability, and expansion of domestic markets for the postconsumer wastes and secondary wastes collected within the state. It is therefore the purpose of this chapter to stimulate the use of postconsumer waste materials and secondary waste materials generated in California as raw materials used as feedstock by private business, industry, and commerce (a) The board shall develop a comprehensive market development plan using existing resources, that will stimulate market demand in the state for postconsumer waste material and secondary waste material generated in the state.
“The California Retailers Association supports EPR as a more workable and cost- effective alternative to mandatory in-store take back, or point of sale fees.” Funded by a grant from the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)
© 2009 by the California Product Stewardship Council (CPSC) “We are partnering with a recycling company to “close the loop” so our products can be recycled in California indefinitely and create green jobs at the same time.” —Ed Byrne, Owner and General Manager Peninsula Packaging, Exeter, CA
Stewardship + Partnership = Jobs CPSC supported CA company to site new PET flaking facility in Turlock creating 70 new jobs!
Contact CPSC Heidi Sanborn Executive Director