Welcome! A little about me: Ninth year teaching third grade in Duxbury! Masters of Education: Fitchburg State College Bachelor of Arts: Stonehill College
Communication How? I try to keep up to date with at the start and end of the school day. Call Alden School and leave a message with the office if it’s time sensitive. Send in a note with your child. When? - when there is a change in your child ’ s routine - when something happens at home that might change your child ’ s attitude -when you suspect he/she is having trouble with something in the classroom
Classroom Management Classroom Guidelines Bucket ticket system Classroom Bucket Morning Routine Afternoon Routine Classroom Jobs
Daily Routine Schedule is posted Snack/read-aloud around 9:00 daily 11-11:40 Recess/Lunch Wed. 12:30-1:15 Every other day Small group work every day! (Math Tutor and Reading Specialist) Daily 5 Literacy enVision math
Third Grade Goals Independent work/thinking skills Develop habits of good readers (visualize, monitor comprehension, etc.) We do this by reading and listening to reading! Improve writing: stay on a topic and develop it fully, improve word choice/conventions, begin to revise and edit Develop response writing strategies (look back to find details, answer the question etc.) Improve problem solving in math, learn facts
Homework Meant to reinforce skills taught and encourage responsibility Due the next day unless noted Should take approximately 30 minutes Should not cause excessive frustration Establish a routine, let me know about unexpected issues or circumstances If missed it’s expected to be made up, excessive missing will result in contact home
Stages of Reading
Odds & Ends Birthdays Volunteer-CORI, Room Parent opening, Library or Passport Club Book Orders Supplies (earbuds, binder, and flashdrive) Absent notes Listen to reading (library card access)
“Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students, and enthusiastic parents with high expectations.” ~ Bob Beauprez