Beginning in the school year, a student scoring at the lowest achievement level in reading on the 3 rd Grade Summative Assessment will not be promoted to 4th grade. Some 3rd grade students who fail to meet the required score might be promoted to the 4th grade with a good cause exemption.
Limited English Proficient (LEP) students who have had less than two (2) years of instruction in English Language Learner program Students with disabilities whose Individualized Education Program (IEP) indicates that participation in the Statewide accountability assessment program is not appropriate, as authorized under State law
Students with disabilities (IEP or 504) who have repeated at least one year and have documentation of 2 years of intensive reading intervention Students who were previously retained in kindergarten or first, second, or third grade for a total of two years and has not met exceptional education criteria and has documentation of 2 years of intensive intervention
Given first 30 days of school Repeated at mid-year
If the Universal Screener indicates the student has a reading deficiency, the student will be provided with continued intensive reading instruction and intervention.
50 item test with 3 practice items Multiple choice 6 questions on phonics & fluency 18 questions on informational text 18 questions on literary text 8 questions on language standards
Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Multiple Choice Adaptive based on student response
4.5 minutes per item A stop watch appears when 15 seconds remain Average time to complete is minutes
Beginning of year Universal Screener window Aug. 17- Sept. 14, 2015 Middle of year Universal Screener window Jan.4 – Jan. 29, 2016 Third Grade Reading Summative Assessment March 28-April 16, 2016
If students do not pass the first administration, they may retake on May 16-20, 2016 If students do not pass the first retake, they may retake after remediation on June 27-Aug 5, 2016
1491 took the 3 rd Grade Assessment 92% passed 121 students took the first retake 61 passed After second retake and good cause exemptions, 98% of students were promoted to 4 th grade Contact your child’s teacher