MOUNT OLIVE TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS 2015 End of Year Academic Achievement Report
For the first time, the Mount Olive schools tested all* students on the new PARCC assessment. The new state program was based on the Common Core State Standards, which drastically raised “the bar” for students expectations. * A good number of Mount Olive students refused to take the PARCC test in As many as 20% of high school students refused, 15% of Middle schoolers, and around 6-8% of elementary school students. VISIONFORPUBLICEDUCATIONINNEWJERSEY
In 2015, New Jersey adopted the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) to replace HSPA and previous assessments in the elementary and middle school in language arts and mathematics. Students took PARCC English Language Arts and Literacy Assessments (ELA/L) in grades 3 – 11. Students took PARCC Mathematics Assessments in grades 3 – 8 and End of Course Assessments in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. NEW JERSEY’S STATEWIDE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM
“New Jersey will educate all students to prepare them to lead productive, fulfilling lives. Through a public education system that is seamlessly aligned from pre-school to college, students will gain the requisite academic knowledge and technical and critical thinking skills for life and work in the 21 st century.” Why PARCC?
RAISING STANDARDS 2009 : New Jersey adopted higher course taking requirements for all students : New Jersey adopted the Common Core State Standards in English Language Ar ts and Mathematics. College and Career Ready Standards “Align New Jersey high school standards and graduation requirements to college and workforce entry requirements.” – NJ High School Redesign Steering Committee (HSRSC ) New Jersey has adopted standards that “are widely recognized as appropriate standards for college and career readiness.” - College and Career Ready Taskforce (CCRT- 2012)
NEXT STEPS: REPLACE HSPA “Currently the New Jersey High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) does not measure college or work readiness…Further, New Jersey colleges and universities do not use scores from the HSPA for admissions or placement, because the test does not reflect postsecondary placement requirements.” (HSRSC )
Level 1: Not yet meeting grade-level expectations Level 2: Partially meeting grade-level expectations Level 3: Approaching grade-level expectations Level 4: Meeting grade-level expectations Level 5: Exceeding grade-level expectations PARCC PERFORMANCE LEVELS
Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectations (Level 5) % >= Level 4 Grade 315%18%24%39%5%44% Grade 48%15%27%39%12%51% Grade 57%15%26%45%6%52% Grade 68%16%28%40%9%49% Grade 711%15%23%34%18%52% Grade 812%15%22%39%13%52% Grade 918%19%24%30%10%40% Grade 1025%18%20%26%11%37% Grade 1117%19%24%30%11%41% NEW JERSEY’S 2015 PARCC OUTCOMES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY Note: Numbers may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectations (Level 5) % >= Level 4 Grade 38%19%28%37%8%45% Grade 47%22%30%36%4%41% Grade 56%21%32%35%6%41% Grade 68%21%30%35%6%41% Grade 78%22%33% 4%37% Grade 8*22%26%28%23%1%24% Algebra I14%25% 33%3%36% Geometry12%36%30%20%3%22% Algebra II32%25%20%22%2%24% NEW JERSEY’S 2015 PARCC OUTCOMES MATHEMATICS * Note: Approximately 30,000 New Jersey students participated in the PARCC Algebra I assessment while in middle school. Thus, PARCC Math 8 outcomes are not representative of grade 8 performance as a whole. Note: Numbers may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
2015 PARCC ELA/L Grade 4 51% 2013 NAEP Reading Grade 442% PARCC OUTCOMES IN CONTEXT 2015 SAT: 44 % met College and Career Ready Benchmark 2015 ACT: 43 % met College and Career Ready Benchmark PARCC Math Grade 441% 2013 NAEP Math Grade 449% 2015 PARCC ELA/L Grade 852% 2013 NAEP Reading Grade 846% 2015 PARCC ELA/L Grade 1141% 2013 NAEP Reading Grade 1241% 2015 PARCC Algebra I36% 2011 ADP Algebra I35% NAEP: National Assessment of Educational Progress ADP: American Diploma Project
END-OF-COURSE MATH OUTCOMES, % MEETING/EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS ADP Algebra I (2011) PARCC Algebra I (2015) PARCC Geometry (2015) PARCC Algebra II (2015) Count% % % % Grade %6692% Grade 7 3,00194%3,53693% Grade 8 29,71570%27,49872%2,97392%45973% Grade 9 61,17721%53,65618%20,27947%4,72070% Grade 10 8,9695%5,5424%41,9308%20,71039% Grade 11 2,1824%1,3984%5,8952%32,0927% Comparisons of previous efforts to assess students with the state PARCC results
ALGEBRA IPARCC OUTCOMES AND COURSE GRADES PARCC Algebra I (2015) Percent “C” or higher in Algebra I course AY1415 Count% Meeting or Exceeding Count*% >= C Grade %62100% Grade 7 3,53693%3,30594% Grade 8 27,49872%24,94489% Grade 9 53,65618%44,92367% Grade 10 5,5424%3,17048% Grade 11 1,3984%62346% Looking for mismatches between outcomes and expectations is an important first step, i.e., roughly 18% of freshman met or exceeded expectations in PARCC Algebra I yet 67% received Cs or better in their course. * Based on an overall 84% match rate at a student-level between NJSMART course roster collection and PARCC Algebra I assessment data.
Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade % Grade % Grade %51% Grade % Grade % Grade % Grade % Grade % Grade * (54) 41% (64%) MOUNT OLIVE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL’S 2015 PARCC GRADE-LEVEL OUTCOMES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY
4's, 5's State1's, 2's GradeSubjectSchoolNJPARCC%Compare% 3ELATR SS MV CMS ELASS TR MV CMS ELASS TR CMS MV Mount Olive Comparison to State/ National ELA Results By Percentage
4's, 5's State1's, 2's 6ELAMOMS ELAMOMS ELAMOMS ELAMOHS ELAMOHS ELAMOHS Mount Olive Comparison to State/ National ELA Results By Percentage
Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade % Grade %40% Grade % Grade % Grade % Grade 8* % Algebra I % Geometry * (59) 22% (53%) Algebra II * (57) 24% (44%) Mount Olive 2015 PARCC GRADE-LEVEL OUTCOMES MATHEMATICS
4's, 5's State1's, 2's GradeSubjectSchoolNJPARCC%Compare% 3MathTR SS MV CMS MathMV TR SS CMS MathTR SS CMS MV Mount Olive Comparison to State/ National Math Results By Percentage
4's, 5's State1's, 2's 6MathMOMS MathMOMS MathMOMS Algebra 1MOMS Algebra 1MOHS GeometryMOHS Algebra 2MOHS Mount Olive Comparison to State/ National Math Results By Percentage
CHESTER M. STEPHENS RESULTS ELA Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) School % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade % Grade % Grade % MATH Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade % Grade %40% Grade %
Mountain View Results ELA Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) School % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade % Grade % Grade % MATH Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade % Grade % Grade %
ELA Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) School % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade % Grade % Grade % MATH Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade % Grade % Grade % Sandshore Results
ELA Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) School % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade % Grade % Grade % MATH Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade % Grade % Grade % Tinc Road Results
Mount Olive Middle School Results ELA Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) School % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade % Grade % Grade % MATH Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade % Grade % Grade 8* % Algebra %
Mount Olive High School Results ELA Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) School % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade % Grade % Grade * (54) 41% (64%) MATH Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Algebra I % Geometry * (59) 22% (53%) Algebra II * (57) 24% (44%)
District and School Level Data: Math, ELA, reading and writing, and also by grade levels Disaggregated data, by subgroups Disaggregated data by categories, (i.e., standards sub-claims) Item analysis Student-level analysis YEAR ONE DATA ANALYSIS PLAN: DRILLING DOWN
Science Results State Assessment The New Jersey State assessment for science in 2015 was the NJASK. The following slides describe student performances on the state assessment.
2015 NJASK Science by Building
District NJASK Science Since 2012
Chester M. Stephens NJASK Science Since 2012
Mountain View NJASK Science Since 2012
Sandshore NJASK Science Since 2012
Tinc Road NJASK Science Since 2012
MOMS NJASK Science Since 2012
District NJASK Science Total Proficient v. Partially Proficient
Chester M. Stephens NJASK Science Total Proficient v. Partially Proficient
Mountain View NJASK Science Total Proficient v. Partially Proficient
Sandshore NJASK Science Total Proficient v. Partially Proficient
Tinc Road NJASK Science Total Proficient v. Partially Proficient
Mount Olive Middle School NJASK Science Total Proficient v. Partially Proficient
Internal Math Results
Analysis Math achievement is assessed each year in grades 1-8 using the districts instructional text; Math In Focus. The end year result is derived from the FINAL Benchmark exam for Math in Focus. The results on the next few slides summarize what could be considered the highlights of the math achievement program: A score of 75 percentage correct is considered as “meeting expectations”. The designation was designed by Mount Olive Instructional Staff. The Benchmark expectation is well above what might be considered a “state average expectation” for the content and grade. Every first grade program met the district standard. Math students of Mountain View and Sandshore performed the best; well above average at around 82% correct. Only Mountain View met the expectation among second grades in the district; performing considerably better than Tinc, CMS, and Sandshore (which scored in the 65-68% range). None of the districts third grade programs met the district standard. Mountain View’s students came closest at around 73% on average. Fourth grade students at Sandshore met the expectation. No other school came close with CMS fourth graders scoring less than 40% correct on average. None of the district’s fifth grade students met expectation levels on the end year benchmark. Sandshore students came closest (71%) with Tinc and CMS students averaging in the low 40’s. Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth grade students made gains on the assessment they use to measure math achievement (the NWEA assessment). It should be noted that not every students was assessed with this instrument; only those that were previously determined to be struggling in the content field.
2014 – 2015 End of Year Math-in-Focus Benchmark Assessment Grade 1
2014 – 2015 End of Year Math-in-Focus Benchmark Assessment Grade 2
2014 – 2015 End of Year Math-in-Focus Benchmark Assessment Grade 3
2014 – 2015 End of Year Math-in-Focus Benchmark Assessment Grade 4
2014 – 2015 End of Year Math-in-Focus Benchmark Assessment Grade 5
Analysis Math achievement is assessed each year in grades 1-8 using the districts instructional text; Math In Focus. The end year result is derived from the FINAL Benchmark exam for Math in Focus. The results on the next few slides summarize what could be considered the highlights of the math achievement program: A score of 75 percentage correct is considered as “meeting expectations”. The designation was designed by Mount Olive Instructional Staff. The Benchmark expectation is well above what might be considered a “state average expectation” for the content and grade. Every first grade program met the district standard. Math students of Mountain View and Sandshore performed the best; well above average at around 82% correct. Only Mountain View met the expectation among second grades in the district; performing considerably better than Tinc, CMS, and Sandshore (which scored in the 65-68% range). None of the districts third grade programs met the district standard. Mountain View’s students came closest at around 73% on average. Fourth grade students at Sandshore met the expectation. No other school came close with CMS fourth graders scoring less than 40% correct on average. None of the district’s fifth grade students met expectation levels on the end year benchmark. Sandshore students came closest (71%) with Tinc and CMS students averaging in the low 40’s.
Comparison First Grade Lexile Averages by School – Identified K- Excel v. Lowest 3 rd non K-Excel v. All non K-Excel “All Non K-Excel” includes “Lowest 3 rd Non K-Excel” by definition
Beginning Reader Percentage and Average Lexile by School (First Grade) Percent of First Grade Students Scoring BR (<100) by School Average SRI Lexile Score by School
Lexile Growth by Grade Grade 2Grade 3
Lexile Growth by Grade Grade 4Grade 5
District 2 nd Grade Above Grade v. Below Grade Growth
District 3 rd Grade Above Grade v. Below Grade Growth
District 4 th Grade Above Grade v. Below Grade Growth
District 5 th Grade Above Grade v. Below Grade Growth
Mount Olive MS Grades 6-8 Proficiency Level Growth
Beginning Reader Percentage and Average Lexile by School (First Grade) Percent of First Grade Students Scoring BR (<100) by School Average SRI Lexile Score by School
Comparison of SRI Growth in Grades 2-5 Students in Regular Education vs. Intervention Programs (Reading Specialist & ELA Basic Skills Programs) Debra J. Martin, Ed.D. Reading SpecialistsBSI Teachers Journie CifelliJen Bond Edith SeelJoanne Bosco Kathryn VizzoneKaren Husser Kerrie McDermott
General Observations of SRI Data Results for CMS Suggested annual average SRI growth ranges from Lexile points. CMS students in regular education classes and literacy intervention programs at all grade levels scored above the suggested annual Lexile growth levels. SRI and MetaMetrics indicate that the amount of growth between fall and spring tends to decrease as grade level increases. CMS results at all grade levels aligned with this trend. CMS students participating in the Reading and BSI intervention programs (Gr. 2-5) demonstrated more growth than their peers in the regular classroom. Significant growth by students participating in the intervention programs was noted in grades 2 and 3. 6/23/201566
Average SRI Growth in 2nd Grade Reading Intervention Students is Lexile Points * Students # 13,14, 16, 18, 25 scored a BR 0 on the Fall SRI.
Average SRI Growth in 3rd Grade BSI Intervention Students is Lexile Points 6/23/201569
Average SRI Growth in 4th Grade BSI Intervention Students is 102 Lexile Points 6/23/201571
Average SRI Growth in 5th Grade BSI Intervention Students is 96 Lexile Points 6/23/201573
General Observations of SRI Data Results for Mt. View Suggested annual average SRI growth ranges from Lexile points. MV students in regular education classes in Grades 2,3, and 5 and literacy intervention programs at all grade levels scored above the suggested annual Lexile growth levels. SRI and MetaMetrics indicate that the amount of growth between fall and spring tends to decrease as grade level increases. Grades 2, 3 and 4 results aligned with this trend. MV students participating in the Reading and BSI intervention programs (Gr. 2-5) demonstrated more growth than their peers in the regular classroom. Significant growth by students participating in the intervention programs was noted in grades 2 and 4. 6/23/201576
Average SRI Growth in 2nd Grade Reading Intervention Students is Lexile Points 6/23/201577
Average SRI Growth in 3rd Grade BSI Intervention Students is Lexile Points 6/23/201579
Average SRI Growth in 4 th Grade BSI Intervention Students is Lexile Points 6/23/201581
Average SRI Growth in 5 th Grade BSI Intervention Students is 79.9 Lexile Points 6/23/201583
General Observations of SRI Data Results for Sandshore Suggested annual average SRI growth ranges from Lexile points. SS students in regular education classes in Grades 2,3, and 4 and literacy intervention programs in Grades 2,3, and 5 scored above the suggested annual Lexile growth levels. SRI and MetaMetrics indicate that the amount of growth between fall and spring tends to decrease as grade level increases. SS students participating in the Reading and BSI intervention programs (Gr. 2-5) demonstrated more growth than their peers in Grades 2,3, and 5. Significant growth by students participating in the intervention programs was noted in grades 2 and 3. 6/23/201586
Average SRI Growth in 2nd Grade Reading Intervention Students is Lexile Points 6/23/201587
Average SRI Growth in 3rd Grade BSI Intervention Students is Lexile Points 6/23/201589
Average SRI Growth in 4th Grade BSI Intervention Students is 71.6 Lexile Points 6/23/201591
Average SRI Growth in 5th Grade BSI Intervention Students is 92.5 Lexile Points 6/23/201593
General Observations of SRI Data Results for Tinc Road Suggested annual average SRI growth ranges from Lexile points. TR students in regular education classes and literacy intervention programs at all grade levels scored above the suggested annual Lexile growth levels. SRI and MetaMetrics indicate that the amount of growth between fall and spring tends to decrease as grade level increases. TR results at all grade levels aligned with this trend. TR students participating in the Reading and BSI intervention programs (Gr. 2-5) demonstrated more growth than their peers in Grades 2 and 3. 6/23/201596
Average SRI Growth in 2 nd Grade Reading Intervention Students is Lexile Points 6/23/201597
Average SRI Growth in 3 rd Grade BSI Intervention Students is Lexile Points 6/23/201599
Average SRI Growth in 4 th Grade BSI Intervention Students is Lexile Points 6/23/
Average SRI Growth in 5 th Grade BSI Intervention Students is 87.6 Lexile Points 6/23/
Students in intervention programs in Gr. 2-5 demonstrated higher average SRI growth than students in regular education classrooms. Average growth of intervention students = Lexile points Average growth of regular education students = Lexile points 6/23/
Reading Interventions K Excel
Comparison First Grade Lexile Averages by School – Identified K- Excel v. Lowest 3 rd non K-Excel v. All non K-Excel “All Non K-Excel” includes “Lowest 3 rd Non K-Excel” by definition
Comparison of SRI Growth in Grades 2-5 Students in Regular Education vs. Intervention Programs (Reading Specialist & ELA Basic Skills Programs)
Students in intervention programs in Gr. 2-5 demonstrated higher average SRI growth than students in regular education classrooms. Average growth of intervention students = Lexile points Average growth of regular education students = Lexile points 6/23/
Mount Olive High School
College and Career Readiness Accomplishments National Recognition for Excellence Improved Scholastic Aptitude Test Participation – 77% to 79% Improved % of Students Scoring a 1550 or Better on the Scholastic Aptitude Test – 61% to 64% Improved Average Scholastic Aptitude Test Score – 1615 to 1620 Increased PSAT Participation - 74% to 77% - Juniors Increased the % of Students Taking at Least (1) Advanced Placement Exam in Science, Math, Language Arts, or Social Studies Increased Google Classroom usage with more than 1400 student use computers Critical Reading class introduction Workshops for ELA and Math Dramas and the LED screen
Year# of Tests 54321Avg.% 3,4, % % % % % % % % % % % % Mount Olive High School Advanced Placement Comparison
SAT Comparisons
th Graders th Graders
PSAT Enrollment %75%77%81%62%61%52%50%52%74%72% 77% 52% 50%
PSAT Enrollmen t %56%51%50%63%50%47%49%42%43%52% 56%51%50% 63% 50% 47% 49% 42% * Represents 10 th graders who completed Geometry
Mount Olive High School End of Year Grade Distribution – All Major Subjects
Mount Olive High School End of Year Grade Distribution – 9 th Grade All Major Subjects
Mount Olive High School End of Year Grade Distribution – 10 th Grade All Major Subjects
Mount Olive High School End of Year Grade Distribution – 11 th Grade All Major Subjects
Mount Olive High School End of Year Grade Distribution – 12 th Grade All Major Subjects
Mount Olive High School 4 th MP Grade Distribution by Grade Level
Mount Olive High School Final Exam Grade Distribution by Grade Level
Mount Olive High School End of Year Grade Distribution by Grade Level
Mount Olive High School End of Year English Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year English 9 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year English 10 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year English 11 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year English 12 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Math Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Math 9 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Math 10 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Math 11 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Math 12 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Science Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Science 9 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Science 10 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Science 11 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Science 12 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Social Studies Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Social Studies 9 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Social Studies 10 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Social Studies 11 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Social Studies 12 th Grade Distribution
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – All Major Subjects
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Special Education
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – English
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – English I
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – English II
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – English III
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – English IV
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – English AP
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – English Electives
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Mathematics
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Algebra
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Geometry
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Pre-Calculus
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Calculus
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Probability & Statistics
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Computer Science
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Foundational Math
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Science
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Biology
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Chemistry
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Physics
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Environmental Science
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Science Electives
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Social Studies
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – US History I
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – US History II
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – World History 9
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – AP European History
Mount Olive High School End of Year Average Comparison – Social Studies Electives
Bonus Slides
Mount Olive High School Marking Period Grade Distribution – All Major Subjects
Mount Olive High School Marking Period Grade Distribution – English
Mount Olive High School Marking Period Grade Distribution – Mathematics
Mount Olive High School Marking Period Grade Distribution – Science
Mount Olive High School Marking Period Grade Distribution – Social Studies
Mount Olive High School Marking Period Grade Distribution – Special Education
Mount Olive Middle School
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution All Students
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution All 6 th Grade Students
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution All 7 th Grade Students
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution All 8 th Grade Students
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution All ELA
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution 6 th Grade ELA
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution 7 th Grade ELA
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution 8 th Grade ELA
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution All Mathematics
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution 6 th Grade Mathematics
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution 7 th Grade Mathematics
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution 8 th Grade Mathematics
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution All Science
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution 6 th Grade Science
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution 7 th Grade Science
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution 8 th Grade Science
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution Social Studies
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution 6 th Grade Social Studies
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution 7 th Grade Social Studies
Mount Olive Middle School th MP Grade Distribution 8 th Grade Social Studies
Mount Olive Middle School 4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 6 th Grade
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 6 th Grade Language Arts
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 6 th Grade Mathematics
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 6 th Grade Science
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 6 th Grade Social Studies
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 7 th Grade
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 7 th Grade Language Arts
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 7 th Grade Mathematics
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 7 th Grade Science
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 7 th Grade Social Studies
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 8 th Grade
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 8 th Grade Language Arts
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 8 th Grade Mathematics
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 8 th Grade Science
4 th Quarter v. 4 th Quarterly Exam Comparison – 8 th Grade Social Studies
Bonus Slides
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 4 Major Subjects All Grades
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 4 Major Subjects 6 th Grade
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 4 Major Subjects 7 th Grade
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 4 Major Subjects 8 th Grade
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – Language Arts
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 6 th Grade Language Arts
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 7 th Grade Language Arts
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 8 th Grade Language Arts
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – Mathematics
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 6 th Grade Mathematics
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 7 th Grade Mathematics
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 8 th Grade Mathematics
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – Science
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 6 th Grade Science
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 7 th Grade Science
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 8 th Grade Science
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – Social Studies
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 6 th Grade Social Studies
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 7 th Grade Social Studies
Mount Olive Middle School 4 Quarter Grade Distribution – 8 th Grade Social Studies
College and Career Readiness Challenges National PARCC Participation rates Grade differentials for tested subjects (science and math in particular) Increase in off task and counter-productive technology use Lagging Sunset enrollment