The Swing GUI Components Chapter 29 An enhanced alternative to AWT The PC does not need an appletviewer or browser Swing overcomes some AWT drawbacks
AWT vs. Swing Technical: Swing written in Java User: Swing higher level and works across various platforms Programmer: Swing very little difference
Swing Applets and Applications Most Swing components use AWT names with a ‘J’ in front of them: Jbutton, Jframe, Japplet etc. Some new components in Swing: ImageIcons on buttons Tooltips Other examples listed in text
Swing components: Examples in Text JLabels Jmenu JCheckboxes JMenubar JRadiobuttons JMenuItem Jlist JTree JTextFields JTable JSlider (scrollbar) JFileChoser
A program example of Swing and Paint “SwingPlayBallon” Page Text Some conversion from AWT to Swing discussed