Integrating Cloud and OnPremise Accelerating Cloud Adoption Rajasekar Shanmugam CTO Automating business
Cloud adoption challenges In a leading analyst survey; respondents who have considered cloud adoption, but have not yet done so attributed it to - Forty two percent cited TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES AND HIGH COST of service, 38 percent said DIFFICULTY WITH INTEGRATION 33 percent stated SECURITY as a concern
What do we have to do with Cloud? We provide BUSINESS APPLICATION INFRASTRUCTURE which enables development & delivery of ENTERPRISE CLASS BUSINESS APPLICATIONS In The CloudHybrid ModelOnPremise
Business Application Infrastructure A technology layer for enterprise business management Geared towards improving agility with which business needs can be addressed while minimizing risks as well as costs associated in doing so.
Components of business application infrastructure
Components of business application infrastructure – Our focus today
Transformation System Network Boundary Data Sink/Source2 Data Sink/Source1 Traditional EAI Correlation
Network Boundary Data Sink/Source 1 Application Virtualization – Beyond EAI
Business Application Infrastructure in the cloud Next generation business application infrastructure delivered on the cloud with an integrated cloud based model driven development platform Azure technology platform AppsOnAzure – Design time AppsOnAzure – Runtime Multitenant enabled rich business applications Cloud OS, Cloud Infrastructure and Cloud Database Azure APPSONAZURE- BUSINESS APPLICATION INFRASTRUCTURE ON AZURE MODERNIZE LEGACY SOLUTIONS INTEGRATE ONPREMISE AND CLOUD DEVELOP AND DELIVER NEW SOLUTIONS
DEMO Return Material Authorization
Business Application Infrastructure - Summary A technology layer for enterprise business management Ability to integrate cloud and on-premise solutions/data sources seamlessly without compromises RMA flow – model/deploy/try in real-time
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