Subject Verb Agreement Quiz Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Answers 1 Answers 2 Answers 3
Test 1 1. The price of these jeans is are reasonable. 2. The books borrowed from the library is are on my desk. 3. The boy who won the two medals is are a friend of mine. 4. Bread and butter is are our daily food. 5. The famous singer and composer has have arrived.
6. Collecting match-boxes is are one of his favourite pastimes. 7. The quality of the candies is are poor. 8. Neither his father nor his mother play plays mahjong. 9. Neither parent is are fond of playing mahjong. 10. None of my friends was were there.
11. Many a student has have made the same mistake. 12. Gold, as well as platinum, has have recently risen in price. 13. The boss, as well as his colleagues, has have been robbed by the robber. 14. Ten tons is are a heavy load. 15. Fifty miles is are a long distance. 16. Thirty years is are a long time.
17. One of the books has have been missing. 18. The poor is are suffering. 19. You should decide which one of the three choices A, B, or C best answers answer the question. 20. One of the most intelligent students who scores score full marks is are John. 21. The only one of these most intelligent students who is are under 18 is are Peter. 22. One of these most intelligent students whose example is being are being followed is are John.
Answers to Test 1 is are has plays is was has is has are answers score, is is, is is being, is
Test 2 Neither Russia nor the united states_______ (has, have) been able to discover a mutual satisfactory plan for gradual disarmament. Even minor amendments or innovations_______ (was, were) given heavy publicity. His friend and fellow author _______ (was, were) cool to the idea of collaborating on a cookbook. All this effort and sacrifice _______ (has, have) helped to alleviate poverty. _______ (Is, Are) January and February the coldest months of the year
If you or your husband_______ (has, have) paid enough contributions, you are entitled to a grant. Many a man and woman in this community _______ (finds, find) himself or herself in need. Neither geologic evidence nor physical theory_______ (supports, support) this conclusion In many years of service, neither Philips nor I _______ (has, have) seen anything like it. It became necessary to involve every man, woman and child who _______ (was, were) willing to help.
Law and order_______ (means, mean) different things to people with different political opinions. If your wife or husband_______ (is, are) proficient in English, there are many study courses from which they can choose. Not only the students but also their teacher _______ (is, are) enjoying the film. There_______ (wasn’t, weren’t) much shelter, food, or clothing in the refugee camp. War and peace_______ (is, are) alternatives between which men must constantly choose.
Answers to Test 2 supports has have were was was means is Are wasn’t finds
Test 3 1. The piano as well as the pipe organ has have to be tuned for the big concert. 2. The mayor together with his two brothers is are going to be indicted for accepting bribes. 3. Neither of my two suitcases is are adequate for this trip. 4. There is are a list of committee members on the head-table. 5. Everybody in the class has have done the homework well in advance.
6. The jury take takes their seats in the courtroom. 7. Neither the teacher nor the students seem seems to understand this assignment. 8. Has Have either my father or my brothers made a down-payment on the house? 9. Hartford is one of those cities that is are working hard to reclaim a riverfront. 10. Some of the grain has have gone bad.
11. John or his brother is are going to be responsible for this. 12. A few of the students is are doing so well they can skip the next course. 13. Either the Committee on Course Design or the Committee on College Operations decide decides these matters. 14. One of my instructors has have written a letter of recommendation for me.
Answers to Test 3 has is take seem Has are has is decides