+ Interdisciplinary partnerships at the Royal Danish Military Academy Lynda W. Hansen, Head of Language Department
+ Agenda Background Potential pitfalls for language teaching Defining the challenge Potential gains in teaching an interdisciplinary curriculum Design considerations Where can an interdisciplinary approach be effective? Examples from RDMA Questions
+ Background From a 3-year bachelor to a 1 ½ year diploma for university graduates Interdisciplinary curriculum viewed as a means of maintaining high level officer training with fewer ressources Move towards cross-disciplinary teams delivering integrated training
+ Potential Pitfalls for Language teaching Language learning may become a hindrance to acquiring disciplinary knowledge English merely included as an add-on at the end of a course design Risk of curricula becoming fragmented without any clear scope or progression English could be reduced to a medium for teaching other subjects
+ Defining the Challenge How do we integrate language teaching with other subjects to create real synergy without comprimising L2 acquisition and practice? How do we convince instructors that an interdisciplinary approach is a more effective training methodology ?
+ Potential Gains in Teaching an Interdisciplinary Curriculum RELEVANCE - real–life context and content: students solve professional tasks by linking disciplines BUILDS PROFESSIONAL SKILLS – Training mirrors work situations in that multiple disciplines merge MOTIVATION IS ENHANCED: Students’ motivation increases due to greater professional relevance and less fragmention. Teachers gain insights into new subjects, perspectives and teaching methods.
+ Design considerations Interdisciplinary approaches require more time spent on preparation and coordination Curriculum integration places high demands on students’ abilities to structure own learning and meta-curricular skills need to be taught
+ Where can an interdisciplinary approach be effective? Where basic skills and knowledge are well- established Mono-disciplinary English training must be run alongside interdisciplinary modules to build and maintain a sufficiently high base level Where there are relevant reasons for integrating disciplines Well-structured situations (eg. Sandex) make knowledge transfer easier
+ Example: 1-day TEWT Held solely in English SME design and recce a comprehensive scenario Eng Dept take the lead: focus is on using English and military terminology with accuracy and fluency rather than producing the ”best” tactical solution.
+ Example: Skills integration module A 3-week Afghanistan COIN Scenario involving all 5 departments and cadets organised in O-groups Preparation via single-subject teaching and self- study Cadets prepare and deliver a series of presentations in English and receive feedback from lecturers from across the faculty Interdisciplinarity peaks with issue of orders, followed by a 45-min Q & A session
+ Example: Military physical training, English and work-related stress Half-day workshop designed to 1. give students a theoretical understanding of stress and a chance to develop personal coping strategies 2. develop students ability to discuss personal and work- related issues in English English training materials: film and article English teacher helps PE teacher prepare his expert presentation English teacher facilitates discussions and provides language assistance and feedback