9 November KMPT Carers Conference. Imago A young carer is “anyone under the age of 18 whose life is in some way restricted because of the need to take.


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Presentation transcript:

9 November KMPT Carers Conference


A young carer is “anyone under the age of 18 whose life is in some way restricted because of the need to take responsibility for the care of someone who is ill, has a disability, is experiencing mental distress, or is affected by substance misuse” (Carers UK) Being a young carer may mean that a child or young person experiences an adverse effect on:  Physical or emotional wellbeing  Social opportunities  Educational opportunities

 The Kent Young Carers service is a county wide project for children and young people aged 5-18 ◦ Reduce the risks of their situation escalating ◦ Improve confidence and self esteem ◦ Socialise with their peers ◦ Enable them to have some respite from their caring responsibilities ◦ To engage with education and learning

Kent Young Carerskey stats 3300 YC’s Carer Gender  Female 55%  Male 45% Cared-For Relationship to Carer  Mother 45%  Brother 25%  Father 16%  Sister 12%  Other 2% Cared-for Primary illness  Physical 21%  Mental Health 20%  Autism 15%  Neurological 13%  Substance misuse 0.9%  Other 31% Cared-for Secondary illness (Top 3)  Mental Health  Physical  Neurological

 The 2011 census states there are 10,500 Young Carers in Kent  According to BBC research there are over 700,000 Young Carers hidden from view.  There could be up to 40,000 Young Carers in Kent

It is widely recognised that there are many young carers, particularly where their care relates to parental mental ill health or substance misuse (or dual diagnosis), who do not receive the support they require. This may be because:  They do not recognise themselves as a young carer  If they do recognise themselves they still do not seek help  Stigma  Services are not identifying them as carers  Fears within the family about involving children’s services in support

 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health issue at some stage in their lives  10% of women and 5% of men are parents with mental illness (Parker 2008)  SCIE Recommend to all services whether predominantly in children or adult services to “Think Child, Think Parent, Think Family”  Approximatley 20% of the Young Carers we work with have a mental health need or are on the waiting list for mental health services

LevelCriteriaAction 4 CHILD PROTECTION Safeguarding issues; serious concerns Invoke Safeguarding procedure. 3 CHILD IN NEED Crossed threshold for Child Protection or Child in Need referral; NEET, serious health and/or behavioural concerns Refer to Early Intervention Team and/or Social Services; offer partnership support and review for suitability for activities below. 2 Early Intervention Significant caring role & negative impact of caring; additional support needs; moderate to high level of care given; significant additional risk factors Liaise with CAF coordinator to ascertain appropriate support (escalation or access YC service). 1 MODERATE Additional support needs identified; moderate level of care being given; some additional risk factors Action plan; intensive 1:1 support; advocacy; support groups, workshops and respite activities; Forum; signposting; consulted on YC issues; invited to one-off events. 17 Chill Clubs, 35 school support groups 1 LOW Low levels of caring; little negative impact of caring Action plan; information pack; newsletter; support groups; signposting; consulted on YC issues; invited to one-off events.

 Assessment  Information, advice, signposting and guidance  Tailored action plan  Opportunities to socialise with peers; 17 Chill Clubs  Short breaks  Individual bursaries and grants  Support to engage with community based support and respite  Opportunities to have their voice heard  Advocacy on behalf of the young carer and their family, including multi-agency approaches  Opportunities to learn new skills/workshops  Befriending and Tele-befriending  Peer Mentoring  Transition into adulthood and adult services


 48 Volunteers  Over 5,000 volunteering hours in the last year  The Churchill Awards in conjunction with the Daily Telegraph awarded a “Local Hero Award” to a long- standing KYC Volunteer from New Ash Green

Josh, Young Carer and apprentice “Thanks for giving our son a day out when we couldn't. He has made new friends which is excellent! “ Parent “Kent Young Carers has really helped me this year when it’s been hard, and they have been really fun.” Sam, Young Carer aged 10

 Campaigning & Lobbying  The Children and Families Act 2014  The Care Act 2014

 A whole family approach to assessment  A carer’s entitlement to request an assessment of their own needs  An increased focus on supporting young carers and Young Adult Carers  A duty to respond to a carer’s eligible needs  Better information services for carers  A statutory obligation to provide a range of preventative services  More short breaks and carer personal budgets

 Tel:   Website   Facebook Kent Young Carers

Imago, John Spare House, Monson Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1LS