City Life Chapter 5 Section 3
Urban Problems Crowded urban areas faced a variety of social problems
Urban Problems 1 Name four diseases caused by poor sanitation. 2. Who is the writer that became famous for exposing the horrible conditions in tenements? 3. If a family living in Chicago had six babies during the 1870’s how many of them could they expect to live past age five?
Tenement Life Causes Overcrowding Unsafe buildings Unsanitary conditions Scarce running water Poor ventilation Effect of Tenement Life 4. List what some of the effects were a) b) c) d)
Appreciation Poster Write or draw an expression of thanks to a persons in the fire department, police department, recreation and parks service.
Improving City Life People worked to improve the quality of life in U.S. cities 5. Explain: What was the purpose of How the Other Half Lives? 6. How did Hull House improve city life?
City Life 7. Analyze: How did Florence Kelley help reform working conditions? 8. Elaborate: How might the 1893 Illinois labor law have changed the lives of children? How did Jane Addams try to improve the life of workers?