September 25th LiteracyReading Important Information Sight Words: the, can, see, my, I Next weeks sight words: like, we This weeks letters: Ll, Oo, Pp, Nn, Hh Next weeks letters: Ww, Uu, Jj, Gg, Kk Words to blend and read: hop, lop, mop, top lup, hut, fun, rub Please return homework bags EVERY day. Please read the STAR books EVERY day and return the star sheet on Friday, by ripping it off and keeping the book at home. Starting in October, I will send home a sheet to record reading minutes. 50+ minutes = free pizza You can now sign up for SEP conferences through your dsd account. Please do this by next week. Conferences will be October 5-8 th and your child will need to attend with you Our class mission statement is on my webpage. Please read it with your child, talk with them about it and have them tell you what it means. I was amazed at how THEY created it. Fun Run is October 1 st. Please support our school by helping your child get donations. Information is included in todays Friday folder.
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