T HE E THICAL Y EAR Holiday and Special Days in Ethical Societies: Traditions and Opportunities
A UTUMN September - November
A UTUMN : S EPTEMBER - N OVEMBER Opening Sunday Labor Day Rosh Hashanah / Yom Kippur / Sukkot 9/11 Anniversary Columbus Day UN Sunday (on or before October 24) Halloween / collecting for UNICEF All Saints Day A favorite of Felix Adler’s – for remembering people DST ends Election Day Veterans’ Day Harvest festivals e.g. Wampanoag Stone Soup Sunday before Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving Click to continue
W INTER December - February
W INTER : D ECEMBER - F EBRUARY Hanukkah Winter Equinox Winter Festival (before Christmas or after New Year’s) New Year Superbowl Sunday (Feb 2, 2014) Sometimes it’s lower attendance, a kind of anti-holiday Martin Luther King Day Groundhog Day Valentine’s Day Darwin Day / Lincoln’s Birthday Presidents’ Day Click to continue
S PRING March-May
SPRING: M ARCH - M AY Spring Festival (various formulae) April Fool DST begins – some may come late Hold a pre-meeting brunch? Tax Day Spring Equinox Passover (moveable feast) Palm Sunday, Easter (moveable) Earth Day (April 22) Day of Reason (May 1, 2014) Cinco de Mayo Buddha’s Birthday Chinese/lunar calendar dates: 2014/5/6; 2015/5/25; 2016/5/14 Founder’s Day (around May 15) Mother’s Day (2 nd Sunday in May) Memorial Day Click to continue
S UMMER June - August
S UMMER : J UNE - A UGUST Flag Day Father’s Day Last meeting before summer break? 4 th of July / Independence Day Interdependence Day (July 4 th ) Bastille Day Felix Adler’s Birthday Ramadan – 2014: June 28 – July 28 moves around the year Click to continue
Y OUR T URN Moving Into the Future
Y OUR T URN What holidays does your society celebrate now – listed or not? What holidays does your society deliberately not celebrate? What are your annual themes (by month? by season?) What would you like to have your society begin to celebrate regularly? Click to continue